😀 Who can beat my score on level 500? 🤣
Oh well, at least I got sugar stars 😏
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Fun challenge @Elsa. I only play CCSS so here's my score for the game.
Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim 😊
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what a fun level! and to ya'll getting those big scores good job!!
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Hi @Elsa nice scores 👍🏻😆I managed to beat your scores and improved my old one too 😅
Thank you @Diamond Lim for the mention ❤️
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This player Is opening another chapter 😐😐
In minus Score @Origins7_Dale @Lola_Pop @Sukanta_Biswas @Miss_Dani
Anyone can beat his/Her Score.
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Haha I'm going crazy 😁🤣
Negative Score and No Star 🤔 Yet the level is complete 🙈
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I try my best.. maybe I'll get some more but I don't want to use boosters
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Here's my score on Candy Crush Saga, the only King game I play. Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim.
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Hi @Elsa @Fences @Diamond Lim @Nix66 @Greymane @DieOmimi @Greymane @jverley420 @bekicrusher @Marriam1 @wykoon @rajdeeptb @Sukanta_Biswas, @Priyacandy, @FlaringCrystal120, - *Soda Staff @Yosca @Pitty_Kitty & myself,
Ok on both:
From @Elsa on *Page 1:
- Where did you get that print screen @Fences? There is no such thing as a negative score.
From @Sukanta_Biswas on *Page 2:
- Haha I'm going crazy 😁🤣
- Negative Score and No Star 🤔 Yet the level is complete 🙈
I will answer both questions for you. On *Saga along with other games, there are *Caps or Theoretical Limits on Scoring. If there wasn't, then the game or level wouldn't end. You would either run out of space for the numbers, because they would be getting higher as you scored, thereby taking up a *Slot on the scoring board. Only so many slots to put numbers into.
On *Saga Levels, once you hit the *Cap, or the highest score the level will allow, it then *Reverses itself. *Saga then puts in a * - Minus Sign into the score, then begins going backwards, taking you to a score of 1000. Once it does this, there is no record of anything you did, including the 1000 being saved. This is on your end of things, it might be that *King has the record on their side of things.
Game programmers also put in *Invincibility Codes into their games. So when an issue comes up, they can get to the level as fast as possible, to try to recreate & solve the issue. Otherwise, if the issue was let's say on Level 100, they would have to play the game up to that point, to get access to the problem. Which would waste time.
As @rajdeeptb mentioned above @Fences, a *Minus score is beatable by anyone.
It is one of the reasons I never publicly posted my 2x breaking of the *World Record on Scoring for *Saga, which would include the record on *Soda, which is what I beat, but did it on a *Saga level.
Also why I called it the *Unofficial World Record.
There is a reference to it on my post at:
- *New World Record - Candy Crush Soda Saga & Candy Crush Saga! — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-soda-saga/discussion/303326/new-world-record-candy-crush-soda-saga-candy-crush-saga/p1
- Jose Marcos - "New World Record" Score 2,147,422,679 *Done on *Soda Level 500!
- Google: *The highest score ever reached by a player is 1,999,259,792. Mar 23, 2018 (*Note: This is on Candy Crush Saga!) *The Level is unknown!
- *Note: *While the 2nd Score is impressive, almost getting to *2 Billion. I have a lot of players in my Group / High Scoring List, who have gotten to *2 Billion on various levels in *Saga. But none have posted as high as this score above. Also, no one in *Soda, to the best of my knowledge has ever hit 1 Billion, much less the *2 Billion Score posted above!
My post above will refer you to:
- Soda Corner - Page 23 — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/superstar-corner/discussion/281792/soda-corner/p23
My breaking of it 2x, is posted at the *Soda Corner, but need to be a *Superstar or *Game Expert, or *CM to get access to it.
Briefly, on my 1st attempt did over 1 Billion, that is recorded. On my 2nd attempt, hit the cap, & got the minus sign & reversal on score I mentioned above. Took screenshots a bit late on it. Wasn't expecting this to happen. On my 3rd attempt, took 4 screenshots before the reversal begin. However, I still had 1 move left, as a backup if needed, along with boosters if needed, to milk the level for more, if I had to. So until King either tweaks the level, or raises the score cap on it, not much else I can do on it. Will have to find other levels to do it on. If possible. I did ask for confirmation on it by our *Soda CM, on contacting King Studio on this. But she is a *Soda CM, not a *Saga CM. So referred me to them. Which the odds are, will remain unanswered, not much help on getting things solved or answered over there. Know they are busy, so no biggie on this for now. Need things fixed first, then hopefully the rest will follow.
There is also another player who may have hit or passed the record.
He is @Foley1362 / @KingChewy.
Some time back @PummyRaj had a contest on the *Space Race / Dexter The Whale, on beating the *Colour Bombs score she had. Beating her score was the easy part, the hard part was taking a screenshot of it. Had a lot of problems with it, because of issues with my hands, Arthritis & Diabetic Neuropathy. Anyway, finally got a screenshot done on it, after the contest. You only had a split second to take it, once it showed Dexter eating the Candy Bombs.
Our @KingChewy posted *42,000 Colour Bombs on this contest, if memory serves. Even said then, that has to be a *World Record of some kind. Turns out I was right.
If you go above to the post on *New World Record, I also posted a comparison screenshot for a player on this:
- My *Score 264,563,860 = 4261 Colour Bombs
So since *42,000 Colour Bombs is about 10x more. Going to round it off to that, we get this:
- *Score 264,563,860 x 10 = *2,645,638,600
Might be off slightly, but as you can see, he is most certainly in the running for the *World Record on *Saga. Don't know if he kept his screenshot score on this or not. A lot of talented players here in our King Community.
- *Correction Edit: *I was off on @Foley1362 / @KingChewy amount of *Colour Bombs he had in @PummyRaj Contest, the *URLs on it below, showing his screenshot!
He had *23,580 x10 - Colour Bombs! To understand this, *x10 Multiplier is only on the *1st Attempt on the Level! Keep in mind, this is on *Colour Bombs! So the *Total Score is shown with the *x10 Multiplier on the *1st Attempt on the level.
So, we now get these numbers.
- 23,580 Colour Bombs ÷ 4261 Colour Bombs = 5.5
- My *Score 264,563,860 = 4261 Colour Bombs!
- 4261 Colour Bombs = Score 264,563,860 x 5.5 = 1,455,101,230 *A nice score, but not high enough for a *World Record!
- @PummyRaj Contest On The *Space Race / Dexter The Whale! Beat @PummyRaj Score Of *2012 Colour Bombs & Claim Level 4000 Level Badge On April 2020 To May 6th, 2020!
- Claim the exclusive Level 4000 badge here!! — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/287106/claim-the-exclusive-level-4000-badge-here/p1
- @Foley1362 / @KingChewy post at:
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/287106/claim-the-exclusive-level-4000-badge-here/p37
- My post on it at:
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/comment/728246#Comment_728246/p38
- *Winners announced by @PummyRaj at URL below!
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/287106/claim-the-exclusive-level-4000-badge-here/p39
As far as myself, you be judge on it. I let my player peers decide on what is going to count for being a good or great player, or even a *World Record holder.
Take Care Group - Origins7 Dale, 😀
2/21/2021 *Edited For *Correction On 5/12/2021!