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Waiting for the new program...



  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    edited February 2021

    Because we need a nicer comment instead.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day Everyone,

    A lot of members have their "home" Communities as one or multiple of their Game Communities. For me The Hub was my Home Community and then Jelly. Both have different "atmosphere's" as do the others and this is normal. When you come here to King as a recent newbie, your "fresh eyes" see and hear things in a way that, naturally, hasn't been effected by time, frustrations, features and functions, you don't belong to a "group" and haven't developed loyalties or solid opinions yet, members personalities, comments and attitudes jump out at you because you've not been around long enough to get complacent, bored, settled "in a groove" or take anything for granted. Your fresh and excited and energetic and positive and inspired and motivated and in awe still, "the honeymoon isn't anywhere near over".

    Observing difficulties, misunderstandings, confusion, frustration, negative and positive feedback, group dynamics can either draw you towards something or make you want to shy away from it and seek out something more productive, constructive, inclusive, exciting, upbuilding, safe and all the above.

    Noticing something amiss or unhelpful isn't making it personal, especially when it comes to trying to improve something for the better, it doesn't matter who it is (that's just a symptom) the issue is noticing where a change is needed and trying to accomplish it successfully. Fix and understand the issue not get hung up in the emotion of the symptom and forget the issue!.

    The same goes for giving credit where credit is due. Acknowledging others qualities, creativity and innovation and not being stuck on acknowledging how good "ourself" is. Commendation should not take a back seat regardless of position or title. Even those with a title needed to be thanked, appreciated and recognized, even though that's "there job". @QueenB does have a humble, gracious and respectful Communbity, infact the Standard of behaviour there should be the standard for every Community. This is not the case though. Those who behave well in her Community do not always demonstrate that same behaviour elsewhere, especially in The Hub! Even the Jelly Community has started receiving this "silliness" over the last few days, from members who've never bothered to visit or take an interest before. Thank goodness the counting to infinity games haven't taken over the discussion page there!!!

    From what I've been reading in old comments in many threads, I'm not the first person to bring up concerns, it's been going on for a long, long, long time! You chose to make this comment, whether to a friend or not "Now we don't have the Superstar title.....Do we need to behave is my question?" and other's chose to reply to the editor comment and we have been told before in this thread "Please keep this page on topic its important ๐Ÿ‘".

    So when you sum up in total value, it's not personal E.G: "panic behaviour" from some, doesn't mean that you dislike a person for doing it, just that you don't like the behaviour and the affect it has. Same with comments, attitudes, demonstrated speech or behaviour.

    So a reply to a comment, is just that, a reply to a comment. A PM with one simple question to get one simple answer and the facts and ideas behind them. Yes that would have been a pleasant, respected and appreciated action demonstrating adultlike behaviour and team spirit.

    Now it's a Community matter in a Community thread about Community changes that are obviously long overdue, much needed, much anticipated, much desired, muchly asked for over a long period of time by old and new.

    @alsto40 see!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @Chicken_Slayer @channie8

    When I saw the following comment:

    "Now we don't have the Superstar title.....Do we need to behave is my question?"

    I saw it as a joke. Because we are not all in the same room listening to each other's tone of voice, anything can easily be misunderstood. A simple text message on a board where everybody doesn't speak the same language at home can mean all sorts of things. One of my ex-girlfriends sent me a single sentence text one night. She meant it as something to enjoy and look forward to you. I thought she was breaking up with me. Her next text a couple of minutes later clarified things for me. I then texted her and told her what I thought it meant. In the end, no problem.

    In the mean time, can you please play in the opposite sides of the sandpit?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @Elsa I added the extra lines just to make my response stand out better.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434
    edited February 2021

    @Rancid that's why I said if there was an issue to resolve it by message in private.

    We don't need to be split up. I am a grown up ๐Ÿ™ƒ

    And that is more than I wanted to air publicly. My pm is always open. Have a nice day everyone.

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello everybody!

    This week is being tough because there's a lot of anticipation about the new program and what it may bring.

    I have split these comments from the other thread because I feel you were going off-topic I'm afraid ๐Ÿ˜….

    So, about the editor: please send us screenshots of the issues you may encounter. We're constantly in contact with the team in charge of the editor, so the problems are reported, but having screenshots (not cutting out the date and the time shown on screen if possible) helps a lot. Thanks for your patience.

    On the other hand, please keep it sweet. I'm sure you can if you put yourselves in the place of the other. Thanks!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and thanks for helping !!

    Yes, it's a difficult week, but you have to make the best of it and do the same thing as always. It is a little different for the SU as they can no longer close. Everything will now be different and better & fairer I think.

    @hechicerilla @channie8 @Nat09 @DieOmimi

    @Diamond Lim

    Please Tagginglist. Thanks๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884


    Be sympathetic to moralizing.

    The person says that he has pain.

    And you just fell under the "hot" hand)))).

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434


    I cannot screenshot as it won't show anything but I have issues on iPad.

    I can log in and read threads.

    I can send fresh new emails.

    However I cannot reply to threads and I cannot reply to emails.

    If I keep my finger on the screen the cursor is there but as soon as I let go, it vanishes. No key board appears.

    I seem to remember in the early days we had a similar problem which resolved temporarily by clearing drafts. Only these are not saved there so I couldn't ๐Ÿ™„

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Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?