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I do so - you may keep me on the tag-list too.
But I have a problem when I attend the Community from my Iphone. I can see all the posts, but I can not write posts myself anymore. When I click in the note-field the screen goes to the top of the site in stead of letting me write a post.
Anyone else with this problem?
Thank you for your subscribing on Community Hub Tagging List. I will add your tag on Community Hub Tagging List. 😊
Thank you for your subscribing on Community Hub Tagging List. I will add your tag on Community Hub Tagging List. 😊
Opps! Sorry! You make sure post here on Player's Corner that I hope they will help you. Thanks! 😊
Thank you for your answering! Don't worry! I haven't added your tag on Community Hub Tagging List. 😊