Smaller King's Games Contests are back on Community Hub (Start on 1st April 2021) 😄

Hello Everyone! 👋
I am Diamond Lim (You can also called me "Lim" is short as well) while some of them called me "Queen of Tags" / "Tagging Queen". Of course! I always tagging them to check these contests and more interesting news, discussions, ideas and others. 😊
Game Moderators can created smaller King's Games are Diamond Diaries (by me), Farm Heroes Super (by Fluzzard) and Pyramid Solitaire (by Teresawallace44) on Community Hub. (There are no contest area on their smaller King's Game Communities)
So we created our smaller King's Game or Hub (General) Contest and announced winners won gold bars only (unfortunately no badges on smaller King's Games) on Community Hub every month.
I created these smaller King's Game Tagging Lists here :
🍅 Farm Heroes Super Saga 🍅 (by Fluzzard)
🎴 Pyramid Solitaire Saga 🎴 (by teresawallace44)
** Blossom Blast Saga is not released as there is no Game Moderator released contest on Community Hub. **
⚠️ Note ⚠️
When one of smaller King's Games Contest released, I can tag that smaller King's Game players only to be joined who have subscribed that smaller King's Game.
When Hub (General) Contest released, I can tag all of Community Hub and King's Games Players to be joined who have subscribed Community Hub and these King's Game Communities.
So I hope you can understand to read them! Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊
You can also check to read here ✍️ Want to subscribe on Tagging List of King's Games and Community Hub? 👑 😉
👨👩👦👦 New to the Community? Register HERE in just 2 seconds!
Tagging active Community Hub Players into spoiler :
(Part 1 - Active King Community Players)
@Yosca, @Jasmina, @Fakhri, @ArmyArms, @Miss_Dani, @Spinnifix, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Elsa, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @christine88, @encantes, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Acv, @Sammyjo, @aijaziqbal, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @teresawallace44, @Pitty_Kitty, @MightyWolf, @Elenna, @Tzvi_Marcu, @ElenaVorona, @fabke, @ChrisMiller, @wmrebulgurl68, @CerbeRus777, @quavo4, @crippso69, @ashleystump, @DawnieC, @arosefrog, @Myway2380, @FlaringCrystal120, @kam1969, @lilmamachrislong34, @fiho2004, @kaosha_1981, @wabsy246, @dee0718, @ColorfulGoat, @LunaticLeah, @Liana_Centanaro, @DaniN68, @TWIZTID_ANGEL39, @Mendell, @Sameeksha3, @tameyh7, @Blueyes74, @sheenahill, @Carly_S, @QueenXavi, @feefee45, @Gumyupawpaw, @Walterk, @izakiara93, @Tasmeen, @reshma_2121, @Timhung, @Scorpio54, @TXWildflower, @GlenysB, @NERDY, @kay39, @mistyrowe42, @jenniferhagenbuch48, @laley, @chivaun83, @Ahmed3saeed, @BrendaY12, @Roary2020, @Mmmkingfan, @dananelle, @Angel1207, @CassD, @serviceste735, @Bookster, @bethanikrista, @Ray2hrd2plz504, @Priyacandy, @UnspoiledVirus13, @mmhopson, @mnm41, @pennyjerger0, @Anniemcmanus, @Andres-2, @nassiah04, @Tasty_Cake, @Niki_bg, @nguyenanhduy1591999, @dawndieck, @littlemissmim08, @lissiemae, @Kcbtyler, @Autofire, @sarma_palash57, @2much, @meemahh, @aguslicka, @legendarysaints, @santo_chris97, @PLAYER09, @AllisonTravis, @brenstar, @rebelchild, @evagill, @classie36, @David5023, @carodilo, @ffs, @istuff, @MandyP123, @Mad81, @anickol3, @carmenechevarria, @sandritis2, @heatherK1970, @cliffwillie87, @ACDW, @Stellar_Space_Cake, @jelly1957, @SweetHubert, @Lexi, @daniella82, @Lady_Choo, @queenugly, @D2V, @Glenn1972, @SabrinaM, @johamilton, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nck, @Nat09, @bearwithme, @paul5473, @Crimson_Dawn, @candycrushinit, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @Albert_Heinrich, @Byrd59, @tininha1975, @Ashraf, @Mary_Kay, @LoveDachs, @PrettyBubbles, @MountainMom, @RegalRenz, @Princess_lovely, @SBH, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Leslie_B, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @mercerik, @Anahita_2005, @ipete, @Origins7_Dale, @Loveth_NP, @BlueberryCupcake, @MollyS, @lemcbl, @Iffu2, @me6412, @Shilviya18, @Freddy_Falkner, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @cjay63, @Twi, @Mr_Peely, @Fluzzard, @NelaMezdrea, @Greymane, @larasofiasofia, @yonahselcy, @MollyS, @crabapple, @Marriam1, @jeanps, @BubbleGumSoda, @bekicrusher, @Annwat, @Kezabelle3, @Deobella, @actipton80, @Jared_Buttry, @ejthomas1241985, @diogoveloso, @Shilviya18, @KENTFIELDER, @mill7, @Kelly_Mabry, @jokermel, @bsabrina69, @Slither, @Nwosu, @Denyae0203, @Allouna76, @Reuben6034, @maryjane117, @sinalco, @Manuel0501, @NikolaosProdromidis, @pearl_chetna, @starlighters101, @Princesskrazii, @cozmotrilium, @kathead9876, @mjgeezy1973, @Efson, @Loser9 and @Morrow1 👋
** If who wants to subscribe Community Hub Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
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(Part 2 - Bubble Witch 3 Players)
(1-9) and (A-F)
@1191970815 , @13monster , @21FurandFeatherPets , @2damthicc , @2muksu , @5878896038 , @9308230112086ML , @aajjtls , @AbiB , @AdamLeOldSport , @Adamsd1783 , @Adeboye , @adrinamadatyan , @afresh30 , @Aidinpm64 , @ajauld , @alacey , @Alami14121412fahad , @alanc12345 , @AleB , @phi1ar , @aley319 , @Aliceanne_74 , @alleydoodle , @alotacrazy , @Altyrone7088 , @alwalter619 , @Amara1234 , @Ambtom , @sameeksha , @Amy1284 , @Andie79 , @Angel_Eyes , @Angeleyes67 ,@Angy1969 , @anko_hh ,@ANNEKE-4 , @Annemieke54 , @annie165 , @april_bby23 , @farapafa , @Ardnasak , @arian90 @Ariane7950 , @ariel2021 , @astong , @Athena , @athena520 , @AuroraTheGoddess , @Avideh324 , @aweeks6969 , @ballcapghost , @barbmb , @barbscamaro , @Bathymaas ,@Beamy ,@bella1202 , @benswifey08 , @berns188 ,@berrybest1 , @Bershie1 , @bethanikrista , @betternetter , @Beverly825 , @Bevette , @jbidness , @bintz18 , @Blky2k , @BlueEyedBubble3 , @bpretty55 , @bratts1234 , @Brenda84 , @BrendaY12 , @BrezBre85 , @bri_marie , @bridgetmassey , @Brownbug , @bryteyes44 ,@BubblificHeaven , @BULLDOG76 ,@bumblebee3 , @Bunnieofthemoon , @butterfly79 , @Buttersup ,@cabbiecomm ,@Cadams ,@CapetownZA ,@CappyKC , @CarliA , @casey7 , @caseyfazel , @casperunicorn69 , @Cassy2012 , @Cathy1966 , @cece11282003 , @chancleta , @charal ,@Chayo19 , @Chele88 , @Chell0430 , @cherie1220 , @chimecinder , @Chms2000 , @chris60 . @chrismccracken68 , @chrystal7 , @Cimplime , @cindyballard @cindylouwitchypooh , @Cindyterry , @cinte , @CLKUHNS , @cmt , @cnichols52 , @Cobear3 , @colina , @Connerml , @conny_c , @CorkCork , @corndragon , @Countrygirl393 , @crazylagringa14 , @Cricket70 , @crystalbarker88 , @crysterry , @Cstoney78 , @cte32787 , @ctemae , @cvb1959 , @cyprusgal , @dakotagurl98 , @dana13dg , @danandmonicat , @DangerRanger , @daniEmmons77 , @DaniMiller77 , @DansBooBurr , @darknessangel40 , @daughterofanarchy , @davahotmail , @DeannaKgoswick ,@Debbie6364 ,@DebbieC89 , @debbievelie , @Debra_Akins @deckarda2 , @della803 , @dene ,@Deniseld , @devinboyd , @Diane_Calderbank , @Die_Ober_Hexe , @djbollo , @DJGHOST82 ,@donewthu2020 , @donna215 , @Donnaj123 , @Doodiebunk , @Doogie , @dranby , @DrGma_Stanley , @drvexaminer , @dtami , @DU123 , @Dusty , @edowens67 , @Eismieze , @Ejg21578 , @elianaramirez , @Elohelay , @eltigreataca ,@eman_mirza , @emerrpymail , @Emilie_Hook , @emily_kiko , @eppslisa617 , @eri19 , @erinleigh2020 , @Eva2810 , @Evarod9 , @eveholman ,@eyore2003 , @Faidz0452 , @farmer_giles ,@fattslim60 ,@feefee45 , @FeliciaVezina1 , @fernando6 , @fineanddandy , @Fonda_Smith , @freckled_shoulders , @Frecko , @FreddieB7 , @frejon , @frerub , @frogie ,
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(G - L)
@gabri94 , @gar16002 , @gardenbabycakes , @gatekeeper20 ,@George_Parfitt ,@Gi2 , @gianna16 , @Ginamay , @gingin74 , @gjkoras , @Gladys5d , @Glorybose , @gmverdi1976 , @gokalsudha , @gps2 , @Gullranka , @GumWah , @h59elmer , @hargungagan ,@haucaz ,@Hayleys , @haynhumble07 ,@hcarswell , @hebod , @HelenaPires18 , @HidyBoo , @HoneyThief , @hotchoco26 ,@HubsouthGorilka , @Hutzelmann , @i2ikombat80 , @Idaholove77 , @iluvgames123 , @ImAnOutsider12 ,@indianoutlaw_winter , @inprocess97 , @IQueEN , @isaali58 , @itzyman , @ivypooh , @jacksen , @jamiedoolin1033 , @JamieW , @JanEbell l , @janet29 , @jansplace , @Jasminrose , @jaweast, @Jayamal , @Jaydie , @jayjay229 , @jaylin , @jejo , @jenn_2001 , @jenney , @Jennnc34 , @JForshee83 , @jimnena90 , @Jivetar , @jmh3X_1994 , @jnjtwo , @joansheng , @JodiC , @JoJo75durham , @jonesy350 , @JordensNaNa , @Jordibird , @JOSEPH16 , @josielu , @Joyously01 , @jrite , @JRN , @jueng , @junelady , @justapenny , @Justin_Burundi, @jwellslea , @jwhin18 , @kaleshia123 , @kaouther , @KateKate77331 , @kathyjavorich , @kathys321 , @Katiebug , @kavidaya ,@kaylcee , @kazidawg9 , @kbescb , @kbirdbird , @kdrocks , @KEITH_3 , @Kellie-2 , @Kellie3472 ,@KennyWilcher , @kerlouane , @KERRBEAR76 , @Ketzergon , @keywezzy , @Keztinsley101 , @Kiababy1212 , @kiapaulse , @kikimagoo , @Kim_Bozek , @kimmarie56 , @kk10 , @Knocksville , @Kricketsarekrunchy , @Kris0274 , @Kris19 , @KristyMarie92 , @Krzysiek88 , @ktmk ,@kweenb , @L_F_Perry , @laceymisawa , @LadyLei , @LADYSASHALYN , @Ladyt60 , @LadyThor , @lagags , @LAL66 , @lam1000 , @lanamsmith80 , @Laura_López , @Lauriea , @LDOgburn , @LDSPRO , @LeathaPhelps , @leener97 , @leheakins , @lengesath , @Lesley-6 , @Lh11965 ,@Libertyissocool , @lillieflower123 , @lilsexy69692 , @LilyPie @vkally , @linda1958webb , @LINDARAZOR1 , @Lipsey12 , @LisaMarie , @littleoldladywho , @ljmiller7 ,@Lol_N0 , @LoriMoore ,@lotus7806 , @Love56 , @Lovely2021 ,@Lrands102 , @LuaPavan , @Luchi1 ,@Lucia1511Aa , @Luna68 , @lunahouse , @lynncumbie , @LynnW2
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Thanks for the info @Diamond Lim 😀 do you know if this change will replace game of the month activities? I saw that the section of game of the month was removed in HUB community. will game of the month plus challenges be back?
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My honest opinion on this is: that every moderator should create the list to mark for their game. Each moderator is responsible for his game with everything that goes with it. Otherwise there would be chaos if the moderators were available everywhere.
Please Lim, leave it to the moderators !!
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(M - Z)
@mad_aisy , @Maff ,@Maggiej49 , @Magicorn , @mamasan87 , @Manager , @mandachas24 , @Margo_Holloway , @marian1963 , @marielag , @Mariesel , @Marijared , @mark35160 ,@marshwomyn , @Maryjc , @maus0707 , @maybellie , @mbuntin , @mdn1 , @meanesspam , @megashark , @Melansongirl , @Melisandre , @meme57 , @Mer_2016 , @Methadras , @micdarkaz1969 , @MicheleHogg ,@milkysara , @MilunoSilver , @mindy26 , @mindylarson19 , @misirichards , @missy1313 , @mistyrowe42 , @MJazzyL , @mletuli , @mneldo , @Mohamed007 , @mohdzakiey , @mommy2 , @momosia , @Monetrenua ,@monnaqie ,@mooly77 , @Moon65 , @Moonbeam379 , @mosbacher80 , @mosi13 ,@mrmrshemi , @msbrotis1 , @MthrOfPearl ,@muslim , @Mystery1966 , @mystydaye , @naboney , @nadsali , @Nannieof5 , @NannyLinda , @Nanzo , @NashR84 , @NaszIsaac77 ,@nathalie2905caron @naturesquaw , @Nilceia , @nimitz40 , @Nk_sexy1204 , @Norma_Mathieson , @Norrablomman , @nymphadora , @oceanrush92 , @omgitsagaygirl @onyxking87 , @otrhona , @ounti , @Pam_Ramsey , @parkesygamer88 , @pattyj , @paynee , @Peanutgal , @PeeWee_Garner ,@peincess , @penguin123r6 , @pepper118 , @pequecantoral , @perfectly_imperfect , @PerfectStorm ,@phkay , @Phoenix79 , @Piccollo , @pimonte , @PJNew21 , @Plaulau , @Pooka2 , @precious123 , @Prettymsdance , @Probhodana ,
@Puppe , @Pysanka , @Queenieg4 , @QueenieMcGuire , @raelynn74602 , @Raetzman , @rararachael85 , @rasjr92 , @RegansHere , @ReneAlen , @rhamesses , @rhondadearmond , @rhondagearin67 , @Rixgrlraven , @rkd4usc , @Robinson21 @Rocko_1 ,@rocky1997 , @romalv , @roo4002 , @RReck , @rukz , @runt64 , @rusty2 , @rutgerdewitx , @saedhanfy55555 , @SammieSweetheart1994 , @sanddris92 , @Sandyhplay , @sandyscove , @sarangd , @SarLou , @sassySarah , @SavageMaMaz124 , @SavingGrace , @Screwchaser , @Seija_Gregor , @SeraGulersoy0929 , @SexcKit , @Sexynaenae , @boojum99 , @shado700cc , @Shakyalmond , @shanai82 , @shanda0413 , @sharpshooter8888 , @shavon , @ShayShay89 , @shelby_fka_davidson , @sherwood1995 , @shira17 , @shisino , @shona1502 , @shorty2346 , @shrofv , @shroomsgrl , @Shwh67 , @SickBoy13 , @silviadelatorre , @simmo40 ,@Sindatur , @SiReK , @SirWellington , @siti_payung , @sixxy001 , @sjkbeckham , @slhamby ,@slotstarkey , @SLPJeep2020 , @smacster , @Smarties1 , @Smatter , @smcm6370 , @smcmscctc , @Snardly , @Solomon6 , @solsen622 , @Speicker1 , @srynes01 , @Stac_Sue , @starcloud2020 , @StayFocusedOnUs , @stellanoita , @stephens004 , @Stiffy , @stina36 , @StuckInATree , @SueBee717 , @suedee , @sunniskyes , @Susancarol @Suzuka , @SuzyDoozy , @sweets0426 , @Sylvia382 , @SylwiaRum , @taina388 , @taito2000 , @tankman , @TanyaBucel , @Taratobin1980 , @Tasmeen , @TempleKassing , @temptressregna8 , @Texastornado , @TG2022 , @The_disaster_1 , @theertha__krishna , @TheMatrixster , @Theodora_Doreta , @Thilerges , @Tia46vsJd79 , @tigsmum , @TinaMarie2021 , @tinymoore0424 , @Tlhbang , @TMStoner1 , @tombos, @TootyTooty , @topblk , @TotoAml , @traci54 , @traveler2007 , @treborslady , @TreeThom , @Trina72 , @Trish2420 , @Trish517 , @tscheip , @TugUgly , @Tupac19 , @twibble87 , @Twintiggrz , @txmoogie , @TXWildflower , @ugadawg , @ugocent , @unicornweis , @unitrish1953 , @urangel327 , @Urmi_Islam , @UrsulaClaussen , @VampireAngie , @_vani_patel_ , @Vilminha7 , @Vimutisuk , @VioletWitch ,@wedonotconsent , @whitneyv , @wickedassone , @williamsdenise36 , @wizardguy80 , @wizardsense , @wordeater , @wtiger17470 , @wwitch , @Xaylem , @ylia12 , @youknewthis , @yulisey , @ZeeMom ,@zhengarthur2418 , @zJzJ , @ZombieNinjaGrrl
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(Part 3 - Another King's Game Players)
CC: @__MULLIGANACEOUS__, @KrazeK, @Merx_Gonzalez, @serviceste735, @rachmariie, @RedHeadAllTheWay, @mnm41, @hanhtranvietnam, @Alizakhan, @twila, @Fakhruddin-2, @JoMama311, @amykatt, @Scorpio54, @Perdiansyah, @Fences, @Cw1310, @bobjenn327, @brent_doolin, @Stephanschulz, @dianaperez200, @Nazakat, @Frupje, @Dadderdanei, @AllisonTravis, @dajare, @arwen777, @Julianah, @andresjis, @MJB_JDB_EPB2013, @kims68, @messenabout, @yoph_1234, @tmgiuffre, @Ecam, @MUNOZSUSANA172, @twingader, @Alienscar, @sierrajanet, @kreamnsuga79, @greddycandy, @Fahriddin, @Beeves21, @SabrinaGregory, @TWalsh, @greddycandy, @tanii19, @nickwilliams, @alex6464, @lacrosskim, @crisaniya CCS: @Soda_bottelet, @suzekit, @dazzlinpee, @Beachgirl63, @kdm29, @Anniemcmanus, @Havish, @sipc, @brownsugar2115, @jverley420, @prezy22, @tommie1986, @Bricorn, @2easy, @maalik, @jellyjean, @Mynette, @swabby, @AaronH, @vstexas, @040890, @chirag0406, @laydeebae, @renamifsud2, @nataliaxa13, @SweetSusan, @1967pam, @Rab123, @giotaki, @jayteedy, @wconnaughton, @Sherri_Bouknight, @Codecas, @Brianvu, @munazzaashraf007, @natzbiz, @FOBET, @Bantino @wwiii @kikiray23 @Geumie2020 @behnaz_ebrahimi @MissDolittle @cindimjrs @Gylia @Novatilla @sredjent @princeaz @stevie67 @craftyvinz @Trisha_Neuner @shuping17 @shellyac @ladams2855 @virges_1963 @lesleyno @wingfox @Michellegabry @Marimoriita @andresa123 @Moani75 @justjeanniemama @Sheila_Muspratt @ceokcsunshinekids @babbie2 @AndreaArias1 @jenco36 @Kjlyman1 @DoYourLaundry @Lolley1982 @megumspuds @latasharichards @MsSha2u @peach1997r @Tamesa48 @deedles916 @miss_monnie @kendramitchellkendra @Ecam @purpleunicorn72 @Aaron4 @PatWay @mattmahar8 @giorgos_mos @RayB3109 @amber_dawn @Lizly62 @Mary8Moeeeee @Milinka @SaraVitaMoore @jayteedy @jennifritz @clarey @deepakstha @shall2 @jlynnb23 @KTMac @Tranic @purple0822 @jodihunter05 @MommaMary5 @Jhessycah @crushingsweets @Kayleekay @lacyleroy @rienepien @js7902 @Ernie545 @nannewbct @S42S @dugglebb @sarahmd @2grandbabies @Cece322 @LoloBash51 @catmama6 @Johnny5salive @JaclynAmes @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @DukeSR8 @Kelutwo @Verna_Ellenson @maxinegio @MissyLuvsB2020 @MattKarySwaggyDrip @gasrenus @na0218dajks @KristieJ @albski @Renee_James @eldutton @1235Hardy @yogachik @Staceybich @Doppo @LiL_Pixie @bugs_burny @Kim_Steel @lindasin @DocCha @Cute_Tiffi @ShaqKnox @Chrismp @pat1man @malloryp @bernirc77 @kujo54 @smidgesgirl @NuggyBoo @Kjlyman1 @billjerry @imralk @Vunke1987 @nettieg @jess2901 @AlainaHS @OOOlena @mzphitz @KILLEY2 @Tiffani37643 @Carol_Kero @BossQueenLiss80 @SidLock @Mjo1986 @ncoll19 @buttbaby920 @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo CCJ: @DerPanther @BimbaBimba @mafong @ThetHtar @wdalman @LASHANINDA @hsain @darlenejr88 @Eneida_Ndulo @Radek1966 @Lfloyd95 @JMag @mhemz @Lingus @AceK @sideout2121 @babijane @mmc0515 @LotusC @dmcundiff1978 @Ohema @chickyjelly @beanie904 @alsto40 @MariaDella @jellystar @ZeesLady @tonefernandes @ButterScotchJonz @QueenRabbit @ktrost11 @SayuriHamada @BAWS @lisacz1984 @1509hk1547 CCF: @Elenna, @wabsy246, @SweetHubert, @Fakhri, @wbh_cecilia, @JSimpson4, @NikitaOhOh, @GingerBlueEyes, @MelMel1975, @ellectra, @Ransome30, @Winge, @anickol3, @little_kay, @lincow, @Ruksana541, @ACDW, @Shirtae, @DGenevieve
PP: @ruiva001 , @Peetra , @Ooma_Segran , @ZoricaPanda , @kamonrut19, @Feligirl , @mary12 , @Marry79 , @Pat_Ferraro , @lorraine5050 , @Marbelles , @Priscilla_Nooner , @CarlitaAlfonso, @sarahkupton @GTFan , @trudymitch , @Bets. @lingho .@Snelee . @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 . @SexyCrush . @tigger123 @carollbiel .@tabby33 .@candyfloyd2. @sassysasha91 .@ringobatkin .@marianngerwig .@sml309, @12monty34 .@Snelee. @klaybasket. @Gatica .@daisycake .@cooper123 .@Katrina47 .@DonnaB2 .@Joost_Theunis @tracierana .@Nicole_Neubert95 .@Kat-6 @Jane_S . @Keera0913 .@navypsyc .@haus . @Maddie_Ivey @jujito0 @pusaaa FH: @AmyLeigh78 @Angieweeks @Anisa4G @Anna79 @best_player @bosschick @cilantro @claudiawojtyla @cristhianinho @cte32787 @Daddy123 @DawnieC @dbomesberger @DeDog @dilli02 @donte06 @eggybean @funny1234 @Grachuh @GranBarb @haraikaria @hbic29 @janka879 @jessortiz @Joy_21 @JuLaCrafting @Juliuszkuliusz1 @kaitmr @kdorr @kellygirl813 @kingtrixi @Krefly @LeaC @Laetitia_Van_Zyl @Leny05 @lilica7805 @lollyspears @lubblady38 @mahdiealmahdie @Mary211987 @Melbennett @noorabusahab @nowshin @Olivia_Lim @pepper118 @Peque7 @Pherez @piaandersson @Rinno2013 @Rosenrot @sanajla @sarahheather5 @sayhaya @stingynina @thamby @tkbm7872 @valio75av @ZeOne PSS: @kizzybum @adestazio @Teaser1997 @Thin_icE @Jenni51 @fabianaolivera @sandikay @snowmom @Awsmola @ruffeye @MzMarquita @QLC @nonirowe @Reneeblade @Prioleau58 @Moonlite2 @ultrad, @Marcella_UX, @sharrachel, @gina1887, @John_Cooper-3, @tryland DDS : @nikaevamia, @Kimmee58, @Gilbert73, @BevyLee, @Amishka, @KikeRuiznavarro, @noahroth, @JeanDee, @LizeKNel, @20202020, @munirahahg, @Claudiyoshi, @Gracyz, @Deepakajal, @huggett, @Atef2020, @Haotyk, @annyman725, @danielef8107, @Farfelu, @flaviojose, @meercat43, @Coqdor91, @mdnowshad, @karber, @TP47, @Hannam199 @user0815, @JagMacStu, @Ulla14, @powergeit, @Rudiecan, @miekken1, @SLASH20, @Bellalily7, @albeesgirl67, @Naline02, @assen, @kando4u3, @Mipmop, @FavorIsFair, @spidervenom, @AudreyL1111, @dleslie, @Andy_Green, @MHastings, @asjbakkie, @user0815, @Mmmkingfan, @Carmesix, @tashiN86, @lchen, @sahelidey23, @Sockermom, @mozart, @Mongol, @casandra66thompson, @mercy680, @Jumn, @Andy_Green, @asjbakkie, @RegalRenz, @Rudiecan, @Judy8492, @bianca70, @Cubsn1, @annmarie74, @yazzzz78, @mumyforever_33, @Andy_Green, @redmen, @Allison_Glen, @Paffipuffi, @julieschel, @Jerms, @edee, @MotshidisiMoea, @mkeginger, @Nickp1935, @lailaabelmonam, @Manda3, @CathySo, @kristiwest, @ubugrl, @jbells1993, @louguerrero, @Pattyk999, @itzidp, @gladisnoe, @Swinslow1214, @soco1, @SQuilly, @wandamc, @Bonni12, @Dally1_zn, @Michelle_Rayner_2, @Hetheru, @Mirra33, @LoLo513, @Henry_Chan, @Meteory, @Annie_Soutter, @Karona1313, @believer1951, @luisamaria28, @treva125, @12173422847, @bgrovesnh, @bobnkati, @sofes, @winkpop1, @NanaBuzz, @Diamond_dogs, @mrsReyes21, @Melhowe60, @Marycross, @meenakshirudola, @froogal
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This month is still Women month! We are still not sure what's on next month. 🤔
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You are welcome and Enjoy! @Pitty_Kitty 😊