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💫 Shuffle the board 💫



  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    edited April 2021

    I agree @Spinnifix that it's a great idea. I don't like having to wait until no more moves are possible before the automatic shuffling takes place. In AlphaBetty Saga, you have this option after a certain number of moves. Sometimes it's helpful and sometimes it's not, but at least it's your own choice.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    I did it here on purpose to reach the players, because I talked about all the games, only it was implemented in this game without an idea area. It should be considered a discussion for all players.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    No, in this game you can decide for yourself. It's a booster.

    There was such a booster in Alphabety too.


  • I agree that it is a good idea. I dislike waiting till there are no more moves For the shelf I think it would be nice to be able to get A Shuffle option in the game.

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    I also agree that adding this option would be beneficial for the game!

  • I agree too! This is a very good idea!

    I also have to notice that in CCJS Royal Championship, where every player plays 2 moves, if there are no moves, the shuffle is automated, but when the 1st player has completed the 2nd move and it happens not to have a move, but it is the second player's turn, the shuffle happens having as result to destroy potentional moves of the player who's turn is now to play!

    (Sometimes it advances the player but mostly not, at least as it happens when I play!)

    I suggest to change this and make the automated shuffle to happen just before a player's turn, if this player has not a move!

    I think that all members who play CCJS Royal Championship understand what I mean! 🙂

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    I think it is a good idea!

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,735

    I think I like also the option of a shuffle in the games.

  • I also think it's a good idea.

  • sdmndfghkamcr
    sdmndfghkamcr Posts: 12,780


    Please post it in FHSS area.And I will write about it here in the future if I can.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?