⭐️ Win Gold Bars!! ⭐️ Find the differences! (finished)
Oof! This was hard. But here’s mine:
1) stars are missing at top
2) zero is missing at top
3) blue bug is missing
4) small 8 is missing from 8 card
5) bottom half of cat is missing from blue card
6) triangle, circle, square missing at bottom
7) pants pocket buttons are missing
8) detail on belt buckle is missing
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Thanks for tagging me @teresawallace44
That was certainly a test for the eyes - it's a good job you told us how many differences there were! My answers:
1) Zero missing to the right of Kingsley.
2) 3 stars missing to the right of Kingsley.
3) Cat missing from card at bottom right.
4) Scarab missing from bottom left.
5) Small figure 8 missing from top left corner of No 8 card.
6) Centre of Helena's belt buckle missing.
7) Button missing from Helena's trouser pocket.
8) Navigation buttons missing from bottom of screen.
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Fun, thanks @teresawallace44
1. Missing the 0
2. 3 stars are missing
3. Scarab/bug is missing
4. The sphinx/cat is missing on the right card
5. Belt buckle is different
6. Buttons on trouser pocket
7. 8 Card has top left little 8 missing
8.Bottom of shot triangle, circle, square missing
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1. The three stars on the bar across the top of the image are missing
2. The number zero on the bar across the top of the image is missing
3. The cat on the blue card is missing (that card is under the cards with leaves on the right)
4. The colorful bug under the cards with leaves is missing
5. The small number 8 is missing from the left-hand corner of one of the black #8 cards.
6. The arrow, circle, and square at the bottom of the image are missing
7. The design on Helena's belt buckle is missing
8. The buttons on the pockets of Helena's cargo pants are missing
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Hello @teresawallace44,
I really want to win Gold Bars 🤞 so here is my answer,
1. Stars are missing 3x
2. Missing the zero
3. Card 8 missing the 8 in the corner
4. The figure is missing on the card at the right
5. Scarab is not there
6. Belt buckle
7. Button trouser pocket
8. Triangle, circle, square at the bottomo
Thanks @Diamond Lim for tagging me. 👍
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Hi @teresawallace44 @Yosca @Nix66 @Diamond Lim thx for contest & tags,
Answers to all 8 differences in *Spoiler below!
1. 3 Stars missing on top bar, to the right of Kingsley the Gerbil on 8 card!
2. No Zero / 0 to the left of 9000!
3. No 8 on top left of Black 8 Card!
4. No Beetle / Scarab Bug at top left of number 10!
5. Cat missing on card, at bottom right, below the leaf cards!
6. Helena's belt buckle missing emblem!
7. Helena's trouser pocket has two missing buttons!
8. The emblem's for the phone app at the bottom are missing!
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
My Player / User ID: 9815076088
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Love this game
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Hello there and Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👋😄
Thank you for your love playing Pyramid Solitaire Saga! 😊
Can you find out all of differences? 😊
You can see this contest rules here first then don't forget to use spoiler feature and answer all of 8 differences into spoiler that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice (except Crash On the Run) if you got fully correct answers until 31st May 2021 (13:00 CET). 😉
Would you like to be contacted in the community for discussions and Gold Bars here? (by @teresawallace44 the Pyramid Solitaire Moderator)
Good luck and have a nice day! 🤞😊
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Hi dear @teresawallace44
Can i post d pic marking what is missing? In spoiler or I just have to write what is missing
Takecare dear
Please reply asap