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πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Player and his idea πŸ’‘



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘


    Okay, you don't want people to get rewarded, but I'm not sure about the why...

    I mean, it would be better if people just shared their ideas for the sake of it, giving players an incentive to do so might make players that prioritize their own benefit try to cheat the system, that might be a negative, true...

    But also the simple fact of getting something in Return will motivate people who wouldn't bother to speak up otherwise consider thinking of useful ideas.

    So, of course there are two sides to the story, but I think not giving rewards to people that genuinely try to improve games with their ideas would be worse than having a few bad eggs try to be sneaky about getting some rewards the sneaky way.

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639
    edited May 2021
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘

    @hanautaBOB I πŸ‘€ your point as well, but like you said there have been a lot more trying to cheat than trying to offer help, except those who are creating questions with multiple accounts so they can answer their own questions for points. ..This has carried over to the Discussion Area as well, when they seem not to get the votes needed to implement there ideas to be brought to the Community Moderators they seem to want to use (AGAIN) multiple accounts in order to get a certain amount of votes in order for their Discussion Tread Idea voted up...then they act so innocent (we know who you are) and want their Idea brought to the Design Team....I'll tell you this....I am the only member from the Community who is on the King Games Panel and I am very particular about what comes into any King Games if it's not for the players...or if its a change such like the Chocolate Box...That's the Design Team only need to waste time voting on these types of things...They are simply not going to happen, now the Chocolate box may come and go, but it's not going to change. See when your a new member and within say a month you have a lot of Discussion then what are you here for ? To play games and enjoy the Community or something else ? I was a new member February 2020 and still haven't had any open Discussion, no need to the Design Team is always looking to change features in the games, why ? To keep it interesting and fun, to give you a Challenge, and let you compare yourself to others, and Teammates, to see who's the best....Design Team is always watch for Discussions and emails so please don't stop having Discussion, just don't reward someone who looks at YouTube or another Social Media page and copies off of it then makes a Discussion about it...see I post about The King Games Panel on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter..and here in the Community so I see what sometimes is just copied and some what rearranged wording in order to make a Discussion...Hope this helps you..I will tag some Game Moderators who know about these issues @Nix66, @Miss_Dani,@wykoon, @hechicerilla, @Spieler_8675309, These members have seen where good ideas come from bad places and some from being just copied from YouTube Media, not that it's wrong but its not their idea but someone else, hope this helps you out, of course you have a lot of Discussion yourself I see over 20 plus so you know something about Discussion and how to make them, is that why you think a person should be rewarded ? When I said they should not ?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘

    Well, my reason for thinking Rewards would give a good incentive to share (hopefully helpful) Ideas is because I noticed how people are...

    Someone makes a "Share your Favorite Screenshot of the Game" Discussion and lots of people won't actively share something.

    Let a Mod say "Share your Best Time and have a CHANCE of winning some Crystals" and boom, everyone and their Grandma are in that Topic.

    Maybe most of those people don't care about the community and will just get annoyed if they don't get the Goodies, but I think even if it is just participation in hopes of getting a Reward, it's still better than nothing imo.

    And if some people have genuinely good ideas, it would be a shame if they aren't sharing it because they feel like reading "good idea" or seeing the Votes go up isn't enough for them.

    I can't tell how much Problems copy paste Ideas and Vote boosting cause in all the different King Games, I just stick to the CotR Community and didn't notice anything weird going on there... At least so far.

    I mean, I look at ideas and let people know what I think of their Ideas and most seem to genuinely appreciate the feedback...

    So it doesn't really feel like people just "steal ideas" to get points, but much more like people playing the game might get the same ideas what features they want to be added.

    Again, I didn't do any deep diving since I don't care that much about points, I haven't really thought about this stuff before being Tagged in a Topic that made a big deal out of it... And While I personally still don't care for it, I still get that it's unwelcome behavior that should be stopped.

    I get that Rewards might get more people on the bad path, trying to trick the System...

    But I think the value of Ideas and if the User Posting them is serious about it or just wants to get "free stuff" should be something Mods need to Determine.

    I mean, that's what they are here for right? Keeping the community in good shape by sharing Valuable information and stop behavior that would hurt the community.

    Anyways, I think I understand the Reason why Users might be against Rewards and that's a Valid Opinion too.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited May 2021
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘

    I just wanted to give the players the opportunity to have a say in the games and encourage them to open up ideas. Only the ideas that are implemented are rewarded. I only wanted this. I thought it would be easier to help the players. Now it could turn into the negative, which I didn't want. I'm so sorry.😌

    @Miss_Dani @hechicerilla @Freddy_

    I had only uttered my thoughts and the CMs decide in the end what they think of it and make of it!

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    Why do you often do this? You create an idea or discussion. People come to this topic and begin to discuss what you have expressed.

    And then you suddenly say: "I just said my idea. But the decision will be made only by competent people (managers, moderators, designers, etc.)."

    If you wanted to contact only competent people, then you have such opportunities as personal correspondence or an area of ​​communication for moderators (I think you have a special forum). Why are you writing all this for all of us then? You can only contact competent people.

    But if you address your ideas and discussions to all members of the community, then be prepared for both positive and negative messages in your topic. We are all different and we have different opinions. This is not bad, but rather good. Indeed, "truth is born in a dispute."

    This discussion you started is important and correct. I do not understand what you are afraid of and what you are apologizing for.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘


    This gets out of the subject and becomes too personal. Therefore I am not answering it here. Please understand!!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘

    @me6412 @hanautaBOB

    Please could you open an extra contribution for your discussion? I don't want that there is only something negative here. I want to help the players and encourage more for the games to express their thoughts and ideas. If we only see negative things, then we no longer need to make positive contributions !! I hope you can understand !! This then goes outside of the topic !!


  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,639
    edited May 2021
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘

    @Spinnifix Yes I agree, I was only replying back to the one who seemed to want to try and find fault in my discussion for this issue when you asked me to vote and reply with my I did simply, but then got apologies but I feel the need to reply back when someone tries to make my comment something less than it is or to take away from my own opinion....Thank you @Spinnifix for this Discussion Tread, but I still needed to defend my own vote and comment.....It would be better if the others would do the same and only reply to I have done Thank you my dear friend

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884


    I realized that you misunderstood my message, especially about positive and negative messages.

    (Probably our translators speak different languages)

    But now you're making a big mistake by kicking @me6412 and @hanautaBOB out of the discussion. They argue, but they have very interesting thoughts. Very interesting thoughts.

    Do you want a sweet discussion? Only positive? And no other thoughts? I'm not interested in this.

    Good luck to you.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! πŸ‘


    Hello my friend

    Thank you for understanding me. I was just written to to explain something. I wrote this to him. I just wanted some help for the players and therefore a thank you for his idea. Everything that can go beyond that relates to an additional contribution. Even that is what is for the CMs to take over and bend. I hope that helps you too!

    Hope you understand !!!


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