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🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Player and his idea 💡

Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

Hello dear players!

Now a thought occurred to me and I want to help the players with it. Players give their thoughts in the idea areas and after the idea has been opened, a vote can be taken. Some of them are rejected and some are implemented. That's why I'm doing this survey to keep encouraging players to come up with his idea. I figured that the player would implement the idea that he would get a reward for it. It could be gold bars for this game. Therefore I would like to know from you what you think about it!

@Diamond Lim

Please the lists! Many Thanks🤗

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Player and his idea 💡 54 votes

Yes, the player with his idea should be rewarded! 👍
Kat-6Diamond_Lim[Deleted User]Yorben_GoereeSpinnifixAsim1989Nat09Breebabyencantesgr33n3y3zJoost_Theunis[Deleted User]Origins7_DaleheadoperationsistuffJuliuszkuliusz1DieOmimiRinno2013smokingcatme6412 52 votes
No, he shouldn't be rewarded! 👎
magnusthorek 1 vote
I don't care if he's rewarded or not! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
MEGA_NTN 1 vote


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?