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⭐️ Win Gold Bars!! ⭐️ Find the differences! (finished)



  • ZygaiFamily
    ZygaiFamily Posts: 24

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    I think I may have went cross eyed a few times... I used the spoiler thing...YAY!!!!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,277

    Hello there! @ZygaiFamily 👋

    Thank you for your answering on this fun contest. 😊

    But please make sure to edit your previous comment (within 24 hours) and then hide all of differences into spoiler or next comment and use spoiler feature then answer all of differences into spoiler that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice if you got fully correct answers. 😉 

    If you haven't hidden all of differences into spoiler, sorry! You cannot chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😔

    Try again and Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,277

    Hello there! @candyujwal 👋😄

    Can you find out all of differences? 😊

    You can see this contest rules here first then don't forget to use spoiler feature and answer all of 8 differences into spoiler that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice (except Crash On the Run) if you got fully correct answers until 31st May 2021 (13:00 CET). 😉

    Good luck and have a nice day! 🤞😊

  • Merx_Gonzalez
    Merx_Gonzalez Posts: 151

    1-Mobile phone icons (triangle, circle, square

    2-pocket buttons

    3-belt buckle

    4-Cat letter


    6- 8 of the letter


    8-Number 0

  • 2_B_Beamer_
    2_B_Beamer_ Posts: 31

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    got rid of extra picture clean up... 👇🏼

    1.button on pants

    2.belt buckle different

    3.stars on header gone

    4.scarab bug, missing at top bar, missing

    6.diamond, circle, square, icons missing bottom of page right bottom on card gone

    8.number 8, missing on card

    🌻 Its messy but i finally did it!!! 🌻

    🥳Yes Me!!! 🥳

    🍀 Hello Diamond Lim! 👋🏼🍀

    🐝🍐🍐🌻 i play Papa Pear!🌻🍐 🍐🐝

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,277

    Hello there! @2_B_Beamer_ 👋

    Thank you for your answering on this fun contest. 😊

    But please make sure to edit your previous comment (within 24 hours) and then hide all of differences into spoiler or next comment and use spoiler feature then answer all of differences into spoiler that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice if you got fully correct answers. 😉 

    If you haven't hidden all of differences into spoiler, sorry! You cannot chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😔

    Try again and Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited May 2021

    Hi @teresawallace44! Nice contest!

    Finding the difference is kinda my type of thing, love it! 😁

    My answers are: ⤵️

    1) Stars are missing

    2) 0 missing at the score bar

    3) Small number 8 missing from top left corner of the card

    4) The bug/beetle is missing

    5) Cat missing on bottom right card

    6) Design on Helena's belt buckle is missing

    7) Buttons missing from Helena's trousers pocket

    8) Mobile's navigation buttons ◀️⏺️⏹️ are missing.

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim! 😄

  • teresawallace44
    teresawallace44 Posts: 4,436

    Hi @Anahita_2005

    Im so happy that you liked it. Hopefully more of these types of contests to come in the future. 💕👍

    Thank you @Diamond Lim for all the great help. I couldn’t have done it without you. 💕🤗

    Thank you to everyone else that has participated in the contest. 💕👍

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,277

    You are very welcome. @teresawallace44 ❤️😊

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