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Summer Fun Community Contest! - FINISHED!



  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,827

    Good luck everyone and have fun 🌻🌞🏖💦

  • Cagnes
    Cagnes Posts: 1,435

    My answers@bearwithme @Diamond Lim

    Ccs Tiffis hat without flowers

    Ccs Kimus bow changed colors

    Prs color of cat's eyes changed

    Fhs Amelia's mouth without teeth at tongue

    Jellys yetis nostril s

    Friends Tiffis bow

    BWS3 skull eyes on wilburs hat

  • BubbleGumSoda
    BubbleGumSoda Posts: 4,901

    My answers are here 👇

    1. In CCS tiffi hat

    2. In CCSS Kimmy bow changed colors

    3. In CCFS tiffis bow

    4. In BW3 skull eyes in the hat of Wilbur

    5. In CCJ yeti nostrils

    6. In FHS Amelia's mouth

    7. In PRS cats eyes

  • Nenikapaki
    Nenikapaki Posts: 31,657

    Hello@bearwithme hi@Diamond Lim

    Here are my answers:

    1. CCS The other hat on Tiffi has no flowers.

    2. CCSS Kimi has a ribbon on her bow on the second pic

    3. Jelly Saga Yeti's second pic has no holes on his nose

    4. Friends Saga . Tiffi's bow has a white on the other pic.

    5. Friends Heroes Saga. Amelia's mouth isn't the same

    6. BW3 Eyes of skulls has different colors on the second pic

    7. Pet Rescue Saga Colors of eyes differ.

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    Thanks for tagging me @Diamond Lim! Here's my answer:

    Candy Crush Saga - The flowers are missing from Tiffi's hat.

    Candy Crush Soda Saga - Kimmy's bow colour is red instead of white.

    Candy Crush Jelly Saga - Yeti's nostrils are missing.

    Candy Crush Friends Saga - Tiffi's bow colour has changed.

    Farm Heroes Saga - Amelia's mouth has no teeth or tongue.

    Pet Rescue Saga - Cat's eye colour is yellow.

    Bubble Witch 3 Saga - Skull eyes on Wilbur Witch hat.

  • candyujwal
    candyujwal Posts: 2,415

    @Diamond Lim

    Thanks for tagging me

    My answers are.....

    Saga Tiffi's hat

    Soda Kimi's bow

    PRS Cats eys color

    FHS Amelia's mouth

    Jelly Yetis nostrils

    Friends tiffi's Bow

    BW3 skull eyes on Wilbur's hat

  • CyanPond
    CyanPond Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Candy Crush Saga: Tiffi's Hat

    Candy Crush Soda Saga - Kimmy's Bow Color

    Candy Crush Jelly Saga - Yeti's Nostrils

    Candy Crush Friends Saga - Tiffi's Bow Color

    Farm Heroes Saga - Amelia Mouth

    Pet Rescue Saga - Cat's Eye Color

    Bubble Witch 3 Saga - Skull Eyes on Wilbur Witch's Hat

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Hi @bearwithme here are my 7 answers to this amazing fun contest 😄🐰

    1- CCS= Flowers on Tiffi’s hat are missing

    2- CCSoda= Kimmy’s bowtie in the wrong colour ( red instead of white)

    3- CCJelly= Yeti’s nostrils are missing

    4- CCF= Tiffi’s ribbon in her hair has a white center

    5- FHS= Amelia now has teeth

    6- BW3= Skull on Wilbur’s hat has eyes

    7- PRS= The cat’s eyes are now yellow

  • Sweet

  • Greymane
    Greymane Posts: 3,961


    1. CCS: Tiffi's hat missing flowers.

    2. CCSS: Kimmy's bow turned red. (as it should)

    3. CCJS: Yeti missing his nostrils. (creepy)

    4. CCFS: . Tiffi's bow has a white thingie on the other image.

    5. Farm Heroes: Amelia regained her teeth or something 😁

    6. BW3: The skull on Wilbur's hat suddenly can see (not creepy at all)

    7. PRS: Cat's eyes changed colour.

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