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Badge of the Month - September 2021 (FINISHED)



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551

    @janeau_owl I remember that day too. I was at work and when the second building got hit they sent us home. We all spent the entire day watching it on TV. My son-in-law had a friend who was working in the second building and he called his wife telling her what was going on. He didn't want to rush out so he remained behind trying to help people get out. He never made it out of the building. I wish I could go back in time with you to warn them.

  • Ty for the tag @Diamond Lim

    Good Morning @Elsa

    If I had a Time machine I would go back to 01/15/21

    That was the day I bought the 1 billion dollar Mega Millions lottery ticket.


  • alezio
    alezio Posts: 421

    I would like to go back in time becore Crash on the run was created and erase the entire code. I would have saved hundreds of thousands of people from getting frustrated and angry over a game where the devs don't seem to care about their own community.

  • Interesting topic @Elsa & love the badge @Crazy Cat Lad! Hmmm...if I had a time machine I would love to go back in time to spend one more day with my parents. My Mom passed away in 09 & my Dad in 2011. Tomorrow, Sept 2nd would be their 64th wedding Anniversary. I moved away from home at a very young age & didn't get to spend a lot of time with them. I would love to have one more day to sit & chat & to tell them how very much I loved & appreciated them.

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim 🥰❤❤❤

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,743

    Hi @Elsa, it's hard to decide where I would go in time. There were so many beautiful (but also sad) events.

    A sad event was when my mother died 6 years ago. My father had sent us the message that mom had to go to the hospital because she had fallen. I didn't take it so seriously at the time and planned a trip for the weekend (200 kilometers). Unfortunately, I didn't manage to say goodbye to her anymore. 

    A major event that changed a lot was over 40 years ago, when the division of Germany was abolished. First fell the wall that divided East and West Germany and some time later the unification with a government for the entire country. I overslept the event at the time. If it were possible, it would be nice to go back to November 9, 1989 and consciously witness this great event.

    Thanks for tagging @Diamond Lim

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,951

    There is nothing in my past life that i would turn back to for whatever it was, God has a reason for it to make me what i am now.

    What i would like the time machine to bring me to is the year 1800 the year of the life of our National Hero Jose Rizal. I want to know him more in person. How was his life as a kid, teenager, youth and adulthood and how he adapted to the spanish life and his heroic deeds.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,856

    Hi @Elsa, thank you for the tag @Diamond Lim.

    I would go back to the early 1800s where horses were used for work and transport, and witness farming without tractors/combines/etc

  • DaniTheOG
    DaniTheOG Posts: 2,324


    If I had a time machine & could travel back to a historical event in the past I would travel back to August 16th 1969 to attend Woodstock's 2nd day of peace & music.

    I would have danced & sang all day to the likes of Santana, Grateful Dead, Creedence, Janis Joplin, The Who & Jefferson Airplane.

    I'd ask @Spieler_8675309, @Nix66, @gr33n3y3z, @Nix66, @me6412, @rebelchild, @PrettyBubbles, @headoperations, @Boybinary & @Freddy_ to come with me. 😁

    And, if I had some extra time & fuel in my travel machine, I would also travel back to the day The Beatles decided to split and tell them "Hold up! Don't do this, you fools! ... Yoko go home!". 🙃

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,951

    Thank you @Elsa for the badge and my friend @Diamond Lim for the tag.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    You are welcome! @lelensp 😄

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