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šŸ¤ 22 October ā€“ World Stuttering Day šŸ’­



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and thanks. Stuttering is not a direct disease. It's a blemish. That's what it's called. There are different therapies and it is easy to get a grip on them.

  • ndaoz
    ndaoz Posts: 883

    I had a friend. He went to therapy for over 4 years. Received private sessions. 70% speech became fluent. I witnessed this process. He told me he was sick. Thanks for the fix I didn't know Spinnifix was experiencing the same process. As you said, there is a cure and it is not an insurmountable condition. I always enjoyed chatting with my friend. To me, his speech/stuttering was very sweet. šŸ„°šŸ„°

  • doncoyote
    doncoyote Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Yet another informative post about an important topic, @Spinnifix , thank you.

    You left out a couple important (at least in the US) people who were stutterers -

    Itā€™s appalling how folks make fun of this speech impairment, some without malice (the movie characters who stutter to symbolize shyness), but many are just bullies (I had to make my own Biden-stutter meme, the things I found online were largely hateful & childish).

  • doncoyote
    doncoyote Posts: 88

    Level 3

    Iā€™ve never had a stutter, but one of my medications has caused serious word retrieval problems. It was a major change for me, but I think it helps me empathize with people with this speech impediment. I found this poster explaining what itā€™s like for those who stutter, using the ā€œtip of the icebergā€ as a metaphor to be informative:

    And this quote, from a world renowned actor and voice actor, James Earl Jones, is inspiring:

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    I thought about your answer and I would like to add something from my past. In the speech therapy school where I was, there was the 3rd grade. There was therapy for the 3rd grade and this was discussed with the children's parents. It is that these classes lead into sleep therapy. With these children, speaking was learned again and correctly. They were treated there in order to transfer to real and normal schools - POS - Polytechnic High School. So after the therapy they were placed in the other schools as normal. It was different for me, I got into a different 3rd grade. They wanted me to continue to be treated with care there. I had a difficult, oxygen-deficient birth. In the normal schools we had about 30 students in one class. In my class there were 10 students and in 7th grade we were 17 students. That was the one time. In my school we had an extra subject twice a week. It was called SMU. (Native language lessons). This hour was added as the first and last hour in the morning. Speech exercises were done and you could concentrate specifically on the student. Because in that lesson we were only 4 students. At school I spoke 99% perfectly. Other things were done with me for this, for example preparing for a math work. This teacher was also our math teacher. I had a math problem and I didn't understand. Which is still difficult for me. I finished school in 8th grade and spoke almost perfectly. I also experienced bullying by students at school. This bullying continued in professional life. It made my speech worse. I was then also taken out of professional life, got a disability pension and then privately took care of appointments with the speech therapist. Unfortunately the speech therapists only saw the money and no real therapies with full time were carried out. I often felt abandoned. You started half an hour later and after half an hour the prescribed hour was over. I've had a lot of things like that. Colleagues also spoke to me. I told myself why am I being told this because it doesn't belong to me. I just found it embarrassing. I have experienced a lot. And broke off all the sitting. And went on my own way. I can handle that much better. Because I know myself best and know exactly what to do. I used to have the talent when I couldn't speak a word, I would look for a new word in my head that I could speak. I always said that I would notice beforehand whether I would get the word out or not. Even the speech therapists say they think that's good and they don't know anything like that. Yes, I'm just different. I am an exception and also supernatural. I am proud of that and can think deeply and am not superficial. That's why I see a lot. And see every detail. So I can read between the lines. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it gets in the way. I have to find the way for myself. I'm just glad that I am like that !!! Yes, the difficult birth has advantages - and disadvantages. But I find it easier to think it through. I am always open and honest !!!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I'm reading here about the amusement of stuttering. Yes, I was behind me and both of them came from my own parents. I just thought how shameful it is, but read me coldly.

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    I saw this and thought it was worth postin

  • doncoyote
    doncoyote Posts: 88

    Level 3

    I should have made it clear when I referred to ā€œnon maliciousā€ (a very poor choice of words on my part) scoffing, that it is just as wrong, and just as hurtful. What I meant was that some donā€™t realize they are being hurtful, and when educated might clean up their act. Ignorance is not an excuse, but easier dealt with than just plain meanness.

    I had a deformed leg from the age of five till it was amputated when I was 18 (short story, cancer), requiring big lifts in one shoe and various leg braces, a couple dozen surgeries, & needing a cane. So, having experienced a bit of what you have in your life, @Spinnifix , my hat is off to you for going thru so much and yet embracing who you are, and for being proud of your ā€œdifferences.ā€ Some never do reach that level of self-acceptance.

    Just a caveat, as Iā€™ve mentioned elsewhere, the chemo I take causes brain-fog, and while word retrieval isnā€™t as bad in text (as I can look things up), my thoughts do sometimes get jumbled on the way out to the world.šŸ¤”

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and thank you for your story.

    If you have the strong will, you should rely on it. Because that's the best way you can go. Yes, it is a little easier for me than for others. I've been doing it since I was a child. Medication doesn't always help. And there are no drugs in the speech disorder. There are many types of therapies. One is in Holland, for example. There is a special breath therapy. I see it on TV. There is also singing therapy. Because the breathing technique is easier there. Basically one should sing. what some people do and it sounds strange. Relax and breathe very calmly. And speak with calm breathing. I try often, but it doesn't always work.

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