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👧🧑Let's break the ice 🍧🍦



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    That was great and thank you for your playing Candy Crush Saga! ❤️😊

    If you want to ask this game question, please ask on Candy Crush Community (Correct Area). Thanks! 😉

    You can also participate on Candy Crush Contests here that you can chance to win gold bars on this game (also win badges on your view profile)! 😉

    Whilst you are here, you click on spoiler warning button here then read full definition about Guide (Help you find your way around King Community), Excel Spreadsheet (Support, Discussion, Contests, Ideas, Videos, etc.) and More Topics 👇😊

    You can check out this guide as it will help you find your way around King Community. I am so happy that you joined us here. You are going to love the contests, meeting new people who love the game as much as you do. If you have any game questions at all, I am going to add a link here that will open up as an Excel spreadsheet. On the left you will find your game and then scroll across to where you would like to go. For example, do you have a game issue question? Then click on your game Support link. Would you like to meet other game players that play the same game as you? Then click on the Discussions link. Don't forget to check out the current contests for your game for a chance to win some free gold bars for your game.

    Excel Spreadsheet (Support, Discussion, Contests, Ideas, Videos, etc.)

    You can also check Want to subscribe on Tagging List of King's Games and More Topics as received your tags on your notifications when contests and more exciting threads released if you want to subscribe. And also check Let's help to create/vote amazing ideas on CCS, CCSS, CCJS, CCFS, FHS and COTR as we need help to create another new ideas and vote active amazing ideas that we hope these ideas implemented. 😊

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717
    edited November 2021



    Yes you may post any GIFs, Songs, etc. as long as it's within the House Rules and most of all on topic so that all players can continue enjoying this thread and not confused by other side topic 😉

    Also, to keep this thread going, I encourage you to answer this question by @MiladyR fm previous page.

    If you had the choice to pick one place you would love to go for vacation, where would it be?

    You may choose to ask a question (again, the House Rules 😆👌?) or skip.

    Thanks 🙏🙏🙏💕

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello there @rusty2

    Nice to see you around again ☺️

    Would you like to answer the following question to keep playing? Then you may choose to ask a question on or skip. Please mind the House Rules also. 😉💕

    If you had the choice to pick one place you would love to go for vacation, where would it be?

  • Sorry for the off topic comment I really have to do it for someone

    And to answer @MiladyR question

    I will go to Hawaii

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Thanks @BubbleGumSoda don't be sorry, and it's good that you help someone to do good deeds. 😉God bless you. Keep up the good work 💕

    If you don't have question, allow me to ask this question.

    Who is your role model and what have you learned from person?

  • Wow that's a tough one wykoon. I think I'd have to say my mother is my role model. She taught my sister and how to be strong independent women. She taught us how to juggle having a family and demanding careers.

  • mamita_51
    mamita_51 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Me encantaría viajar a Italia!!!!

  • Mookie2
    Mookie2 Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I live in NY. I also would travel the world and volunteer. With children it just isn't possible. I've been to South Africa twice and would love to volunteer there especially with elephants. Seeing the animals in their natural habitat is awe inspiring. This is a pic I took on one of my safaris:

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Hello! @mamita_51 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Opps! Sorry for your reply because we can only use English on this area around King Community.

    But you can join and ask here with using Spanish Language on Spanish Corner. Thanks! 😊

    Have a nice day! 😊

    🇪🇸 Spanish 🇪🇸 👇

    ¡Hola! 👋

    ¡Bienvenido a Sweet King Community! 👑

    ¡Opps! Perdón por tu respuesta porque solo podemos usar inglés en esta área alrededor de la comunidad King

    Pero puedes unirte y preguntar aquí usando Spanish Language en Spanish Corner. ¡Gracias! 😊

    ¡Que tenga un lindo día! 😊

    De todos modos, etiquetaré a @hechicerilla (@Spinnifix), embajadora hispana que puede ayudar a los jugadores de Spanish Corner. 😉

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Wow! It's awesome! @Mookie2 👍😲

    The elephants are really huge and cute! I love them! 👍😄🐘🐘

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