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Accessibility Ambassadors: Meet @Candy_Andy!

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046
edited May 2022 in Discussions

Dear Community,

As you know, May is Accessibility Month in the Community, and we'd like to introduce you to some of the Kingsters who are our ambassadors for accessibility 🤗. And without further ado...may I present...

@Candy_Andy !

👩‍💻 Position at King: Studio support specialist 

🌏️ Where are you from? UK, London

😂 1 fun fact about yourself? I am partially sighted (Macular Dystropy) so I am not allowed to drive legally. So I like to snowboard and took a skydive to make up for it!


Why are you interested in Accessibility?

I am interested in Accessibility because I also have a visual impairment and use accessibility features on all my devices, so I am curious to know what lies ahead for accessibility in mobile gaming.

What does accessibility mean to you?

Accessibility means for me the ability to use an app or device without restraints or uncomfortable experiences and removing these barriers.

What is one project related to accessibility that you have worked on?

Accessibility tips for iOS and Android in-game Help Center 

Tell us a fact about accessibility that we might not know about

Any device on any platform will have advanced accessibility settings, especially for visual enhancements. Additional apps can be used to exceed the device limitations. For example, an Android font set to Huge or Extra large (max limit), may still not be large enough to view. You can install 3rd party apps which will override the system font size and go much further making the text on your device as large as you need it to be. 

Oh wow, @Candy_Andy , that's great to know! Thanks, and welcome to the Community! ❤️

And now it's our turn! Is there anything you'd like to share with our Kingster guest? Comment below and share your thoughts!

👉️ More on Accessibility HERE

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