Member of the Month - July 2022: Amoonmoon
For the month of July, our Community Managers and Game Mods have decided the Member of the Month is..
โจ๐๐๐ Congratulations!! ๐๐ฅ๐๐๐
Always sweet, caring, and willing to help. Amoonmoon quickly became a beloved member of our Community. Therefore, you deserve the Member of the Month badge, a permanent entry in the Community Hall of Fame and awarded you with 200 Gold Bars to your favorite game.
๐ค Would you like to know more about our brand new Member of the Month? Let's pass the mic to him/her!
๐ซWhich of King's games are you currently playing and what do you like about them? Which one is your fav?
Currently playing several games
Apparently all of them ๐ but my favorite is CCFS. I like everything about it: the graphics, characters, dances, costumes, colors, effects and much much more. I wish I had time to give the other games more time.
๐ซWhat's your best memory with King games? And on the Community?
My best memories of King games every time I discover new things in the community in the levels. Several things, joining my amazing team CCFS and also my team in CCS. In addition to today, l became Member of the month July
๐ซDo you have any expectations from the Community?
My expectation is for the community to remain supportive, helpful, enjoyable for all and a welcoming place for new people.
๐ซWhat do you like the most about our Community?
The thing I like the most about the community is the cooperation, the sense of humor, the spirit of competition and the challenges even in difficulties, also the badges ๐
๐ซIf you could change anything about King (games, community, etc), what would it be?
In terms of games in CCSS there should be a skip to finish exiting the level rather than waiting for the end alone like the rest of the games. For the community there should be multiple language options as it is the biggest obstacle for me and others.
๐ซHow did you find about the Community?
Found the community by chance out of curiosity and discovery. Found everything I like. I was looking for an active team in CCFS and wanted to join. So I wrote a comment until I got a message from my friend @DGenevieve suggesting to join the team. Since that day most of my time here has become a part of me โฅ
๐ซAnything else you'd like to share?
I would like to thank the studio and everyone who chose me as a member this month. I thank all my friends who are always fans, collaborators and supportive of me. Thank you Minatozaki I'm the first person chosen since you came here ๐ Signs of optimism and wellness โฅ๏ธ Plus it's my birthday ๐๐ ๐ Thank you dear @DieOmimi the biggest supporter and helper for me and everyone. Maybe in particular her because she gave me her tender love โฅ๏ธ and the biggest incentive for me to continue here and at King games thank you all from the heart โฅ
Thank you for this amazing interview, Amoonmoon ! And now, get ready for a wave of love coming your way! ๐๏ธ
Wow! Amazing your interviews!ย @Amoonmoon ๐๐
๐ Congratulations! Youย wonย theย Member of the Month - July 2022! ๐
By the way, Who isย next ofย Member of the Month - August 2022? Stay tuned! Everyone! ๐
Tagging active Community Hub Players into spoiler :
@Queen_Elsaย @siti_payungย @Sukanta_Biswasย @christine88ย @encantesย @DeepshikhaSharanย @aijaziqbalย @wykoonย @teresawallace44ย @Pitty_Kittyย @Tzvi_Marcuย @La Leyย @CassDย @Andres-2ย @rebelchildย @istuffย @carmenechevarriaย @Lexiย @Glenn1972ย @SabrinaMย @kiara_waelย @Werner_Cichyย @Nat09ย @bearwithmeย @candycrushinitย @gr33n3y3zย @tininha1975ย @MountainMomย @Yorben_Goereeย @Nix66ย @NamTruong2001ย @Anahita_2005ย @simplyPย @me6412ย @DieOmimiย @jeanpsย @BubbleGumSodaย @bekicrusherย @Nikolaos_Prodromidisย @lelenspย @DaniTheOGย @Racoon7ย @shafer223ย @DGenevieveย @BQN537ย @Palash_Sarmaย @aautz1ย @Nadia1770ย @EOTheGr8ย @Havishย @Lemurtekย @KCullen127ย @ndaozย @lakiereย @Princess_Jessicaย @Nenikapakiย @betchiegrl29ย @MiladyRย @EnergizerBunnyย @Erika0811ย @Terri_1ย @LadyGaivmanย @DanielProGamerย @Hell66ย @GrammaGamingย @FarkasneKa2020ย @Boybinaryย @Angel_Natashaย @Cagnesย @rukzย @tkbm7872ย @Poutsyย @LuciLu8ย @Amoonmoonย @Jelly_bean_heartsย @Geogat12ย @goofygoodyย @Epc23ย @Shagunproย @maf34100ย @gisalyย @LeFlarcaneย @Elviramartinez_61ย @Yoscaย @Athalieย @rosemariepahayo1ย @melamieย @nsshawaii_ย @Jose65_6ย @ALIXKATERINEย @deblgย @Trishy68ย @crabappleย @Moh1977ย @criscountย @penkenย @BlueberryCupcakeย @MollySย @ddgarringerย @Eiliesha_Jarmanย @paul5473ย @PattyManย @Purplelife_50ย @lillyb51ย @RubyBlue1011ย @King_Nealย @tashanight3ย @Paul301153ย @pratimadangolย @spoc42ย @MiaChristineย @andreah1ย @PaulaCarrollGeibBeemย @lalopez6715ย @hechicerillaย @rascalsmomย @LoveDachsย @PattyRaeย @Rachel913ย @Shick2367ย @BuffaloGal57
** If whoย wants to subscribeย Community Hub Tagging List, please check and commentย here! Thanks! ๐ **
Also tagging another active King's Game Players only into spoiler :
BW3S :ย @ArriettyM๏ปฟย @BobaKitty_BW3fanย @Booksterย @brandyw78ย @dragnilarย ๏ปฟ@DU123ย @enchfaniย @fruxisย @JulieShย ๏ปฟ@Lesley-6ย @Magnolia4ย @manuela110969ย @MicheleHoggย @penguin123r6ย @sakuraย @sambratย @StellaDickensย @stellanoitaย @tabs82ย @taefย @taito2000ย ๏ปฟ@Tbar2ย @tkcarrย @Walezyย CCS : @dianaperez200ย @Shilviya18ย @Sammyjoย @greddycandyย @olyamtย @rareย @candyujwalย @bmkersey08ย @SH_Leeย @KitKathySuzyQ๏ปฟย @Colleen12ย @annthomas0104ย @ashfordgoonerย @spoekieย @Alexandra_Tangย ๏ปฟ@Fencesย @Loser9ย @Tess92ย @gamepowerย @Sugy
@Geogat12 ย @AwkwardGamer07ย @Fakhruddin-2ย @Mary0867ย @Nico4991ย @Kerrieย @WendyG78ย @goofygoodyย @FaRayhaย @AmberRaeLeoย @emelanieย @Rox7383ย @Sir_Colorbomb_Iย @gordan10ย @adidas11zs1982ย @Reptilianย @Courtney1990ย @Whodeet1ย @prince_bkย @KingsDaughter14ย @ova1942gonzalezย @faithc213ย @Munsterย @jersymanย @santo_chris97ย @1Ajย @KiranSaniย @Beth_Mc_Hughย @babsblakeย @Fakhriย @MiloMia14_08_ย @Kazza-3ย @samm_kmlย @kimsmitgytderย @Magic_Mixerย @kdemello101086ย @plazamanย @amykatt33ย @Princess_lovelyย @ElisedeJongย ๏ปฟ@Candy__Playerย @pillow6ย @coopsjย @Scorpio54ย @Elaine67ย @Naftaย @Pinky33ย @krisewardย @Kiwi2018ย @doristanย @batman27ย @volfanjย @Goldenswordzย @bunnyjordiย @Remano88ย @MyLittleGrandmaย @RobinJohn123ย @bamagirl73ย @suzy79ย @messenabout @EweNaNa CCSS :ย @2easyย @Adavย @Bricornย @ejurjane @Hana_adamczak @jayteedyย @Kiki_gย @msgracaย @namal_butt_01ย @Pcjย @Precious0914ย @Raerobbieย @Riri2ย @Soda_botteletย CCJS :ย @krystieย @eightmilenkcย @tokasa13ย @luckysnooย @Kalaxarย CCFS :ย @Kate3Aย @theredrabbitย @nobeloveย @Laurenmlhย @AkumaXXย @ellectraย @Niki_bgย @JillyJillย @Shirtaeย @spring_queen_18ย @Chantelle๏ปฟย @pbgroupieย @natmor70ย @nutcrackerย @Elennaย @VickMtzย @castilho87ย ๏ปฟ@anabelixย ๏ปฟ@ravii85ย PR :ย @Joost_Theunisย @Peanut7139ย @Gisa77ย @Angel1207ย @CarlaPouzache43ย @kgarnett44ย @ksiย @Gabrian_Diazย @Julie_Andrewsย @CristianFitzย @tsaytdsย @hanif123ย @Kimrrย @SUZANCEย @jpellegrย @Stefan_Bย @DawnieCย @rascallycatย ๏ปฟ@Sheryl_Thompsonย @Amethyst_Foxย @NIKI5326ย FH :ย @Filly_McBeanย @bramamย @Sparky_2_2ย @FarmerBย @Mildred_2_2ย @galaxyangelย @juttyย @Utopiasoย @Headlessย @Bethelย @Marcemarce22ย @LadySiameseย @MartaPย @mikewgย @BlackjackTCย @nanasuesueย @Leny05ย @Cuteyrย @Dada13ย @Niunia88ย @nancyb099ย @Carrotladyย @Rowena63ย @jawel1956ย @Melbennettย @tatwh59-2ย @Yuchuย @envoroย @CarlMazon1908ย @bullsnorthย ESG :ย @PattyRae
Also taggingย @Scooterpieย @Peter_Tornarosย @Spieler_8675309ย @Deryckย @DBlake13ย @imabearnutย @Bassin12ย @007jaycย @cilantroย @Doris_Koch
Also tagging active Crash On the Run Players into spoiler :
@Denyse0203ย @XNtricityย @San_Kingย @DebonoChicaย @Luna_7_Dailyย @Roan27ย @XcrashNplayXย @RadoMathanย @Disguireย @grampacrashย @Lisann2112ย @Frozeniceย @MINUZย @Galliranthย @MiamiCrash3ย @pudelbirneย @Psycho_Crashย @nay410ย @Vanessa_Lionheartย @mrmapacheย @BluePowerGemย @S3shhs3Sย @Wumpa_Bakerย @felipesolaresย @Samu92ย @Hickmatteoย @Lorrenzoย @Qaractacusย @Osito_8ย @Alessandro_Russoย @Hexenbesen50ย @Minimarinerย @kissme123ย @Buaboodย @Hawkodileย @Emmy28ย @Pikboi15ย @Vaฮทฮตฮนฮนฯฯฮตย @Joey_YouTubeย @HarmonyBunny00ย @Kakashi_xย @Gabฤaย @ManiTheKingย @ZSRย @Gabriel_Corleoneย @Mohamed90909
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Congratulations @Amoonmoon, you deserve this award for the Member of the Month - July 2022! ๐น๐๐๐ฒ๐ณ ๐๐
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Congratulations @Amoonmoon! You have quickly become a valued teammate in many games. This honor is well deserved!
I am amazed at the number of games you play -- I hope you find time to eat and sleep while crushing candies!
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Congratulations ๐ฅฐ๐
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Congratulations @Amoonmoon on the MoM August 2022. You really deserve it, as helpful as you are in our competitions. You always give tips, are happy and encourage other players. Stay as you are, that's why we love you. โค๏ธ๐๐ค
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Congratulations @Amoonmoon
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oh wow! I never really pay attention to these things and they usually go unnoticed to me, because many times I choose the "Mark all read" in notifications without looking at them. I'm so glad I noticed this one!!!
@Amoonmoon you deserve it! You have been an amazing addition to our team right from the start, not only for being a great player but also because you were friendly and nice! The language may indeed be a problem for you but you seem to manage yourself quite fine, through everything. Well done โค๏ธ
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