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Brainstorming of Ideas by King 2022

Alienscar Posts: 16,649
edited September 2022 in Discussions

@FluffyDinosaur In May 2022 all of King gathered and brainstormed ideas on fun, new ways to make all of our games even more enjoyable. Now, we want to hear what you think of some of the ideas!

@QueenB @bearwithme @Minatozaki @wykoon

Hello everyone I am just wondering if one of you can answer a question for me please.

It appears from recent posts that King has been brainstorming some ideas to make the game more enjoyable. So far the two ideas I have seen have been previously submitted in the Ideas area by community members and rejected.

From a brainstorming point of view wouldn't it make sense to acknowledge the ideas that are already active and thereby focus your improvements on what people actually want to see in their games? It really doesn't make sense, or even seem fair, to poll on ideas that have been rejected whilst there are active ideas with over 300 votes.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    What has been rejected?

  • @Alienscar All the feedback provided in the community is passed on to the Studios. There are many different reasons why we don't see the changes or updates in the game. That doesn't mean they are rejected; some take time to plan, test, and implement.

    The studios have plans for all new features and updates, not just for the next month, but sometimes they have to plan for the following year. This is due to many factors we cannot see; the capacity and server must be taken seriously.

    Also, not all players have top devices that handle all sorts of updates. Each change needs to be throughout carefully for each device. There needs to be a lot of testing beforehand; sometimes, the tests run through the month before it runs in a game.

    The studios are constantly working on features, events, themes, etc. They are not only listening to 300 players but 273 million each month. Even if some idea seems to be rejected now, it can be postponed until the proper time to implement it in-game.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    @Minatozaki I must admit I struggle to understand all the issues King claims to have with their servers and memory. Whilst 273 million players is a lot it pales in comparison to the 2.91 billion users of Facebook and they don't suffer from memory or server issues.

    Can you explain what you mean by King are listening to 273 million players each month please? How is every single player of Candy Crush contacting King every month?

    If an idea with one or two votes gets closed (rejected) because it has been suggested before, or it doesn't collect enough votes, or is prohibited by the Master List then how is it fair to all the people voting on the active ideas that it is the closed ideas that are implemented first?

    There are currently 50 active ideas one of them I am sure you are well aware which is the scrolling to any previously played level.

    Since you mention memory issues I can't see the logic of introducing a clickable player card (a closed idea), that will have an affect on memory, over the scrolling idea that will not affect memory.

  • I did not mention King having issues or anything related to memory. Again, each device has limitations. King needs to think about the players and their devices. This is technology worldwide and not just King; we all know android, iOS, Windows, etc., and all of them have limitations on their updates, which prevent apps from running smoothly.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    I didn't say you did mention memory @Minatozaki, but memory/servers issues have been claimed as limiting factors in the past (most famously the removal of the old Episodes)

    I understand all about the limitations of different devices, but this still doesn't explain the prioritising of closed ideas over active ideas.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,813

    Joining the conversation 😀

    The ideas we received here in the Community are our initiatives which we share with the Studio to help guide them on what they can work on to help improve your gaming experience.

    We cannot promise that these ideas will get implemented, but we simply want to provide our players a way to suggest improvements and ideas and then pass them on to the studio to see if they can be worked on.

    If the studio sees a community idea, they will test this and gather feedback. A dedicated team handles that, and I'm afraid we do not have any details we can share on how that process works.

    The two ideas you shared have been closed due to a lack of votes, which is what we, the CMs, decide, not the studio. This doesn't mean the idea is not good, it has been shared, but to keep the Ideas area clean, we decided to close some ideas to welcome new ones.

    I hope this clears out any doubts and have a sweet day 🍭

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Thanks @QueenB that clarifies things perfectly.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    Joining conversation :O)

    The Master List is also great for keeping communities less messy & reading before posting to avoid duplicates.

    Sometimes a good idea that was closed for lack of votes can also be re-read & tweaked. Adding new components & differences to make it workable & interesting. So another idea similar can be opened for discussion & other members contributing brainstorming ideas also. Like a community project.

    Maybe add a different title that better suits the idea also, one that's catchy & engaging. It's awesome when seeing an idea developed & worked on together. Nice way to keep the Master List current & updated to, in a fun way for everyone to be involved in....

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?