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🌐 Accessibility features: How are these new features helping you play? - Join HERE and a chance to Win Gold Bars
Why and when do you play King Games? - We want to know! (Answer for a chance to win Gold Bars!)
I play anytime of the day or night as it helps me switch off from problems in my life. I have played since the day it launched 10 years ago and have spent a LOT of money. I can't afford to do that anymore as it seems that the levels are much harder to pass despite me being a much better player than I have been previously, and I think it's a con to make me spend my money. I am not BUYING anymore credit for candy crush and have asked my bank to block all transactions so that I cannot be tempted. It's a shame but obviously KING are running a business and make a lot of money out of my weaknesses. Not cool.
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