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⭐️ The Community has a brand new look



  • I've just found another minor issue: I'm leaving my comment here in this comment box but there is another comment box exactly the same right below me.⏬ I will try posting in both comment boxes now and see what happens.

  • Can someone explain to me why my email address is visible? I think it's against privacy policy😡

    Oh Gosh...What's happening out there?

    I got a feeling that everything slowly comes to end...

  • messenabout
    messenabout Posts: 315
    edited November 2022

    Nope. Second comment box must be bogus. This is what I said there:

    I wonder if this has something to do with a comment I made earlier this evening that I still cannot find LOL. I really must commend you guys because I don't know how you keep it together even when it's falling apart. Oh,and while you're pulling your hair out, try to remember: It's all for the love of the game! Best of luck in any and all that you do....

  • xBlossomx
    xBlossomx Posts: 7,133

    Hi reble child. All valid points. Mine does that too.youre right ✅️ about the private messaging. I miss that . I made few really good friends. Who; I used to chat in that I can't anymore. 😪😪☹️☹️. I can't even find them on the thread now unless they don't post much. I do hope they will bring back the old community forum.

  • Also, I mentioned this before and pretty much got booed out of the group lol but I don't know why because it makes much more sense:

    So at this moment this comment is the newest comment in this discussion and I'm way back on page 7. So in order to find the new ones you have to scroll through all the old ones that you've already read to find the new posts. I think that the newest posts should be at the top and as it scrolls it pushes the earlier ones down. That's part of my confusion say when I click on a link and go to that section it takes me to old pages and I'm really confused. Hey, maybe that's the problem up on my other comment about hot topics ? Maybe?. But seeing the old stuff first tells me there's nothing newer that I haven't read. Does anyone agree? When you click on something do you go to the very very end page to see what's new? Myself, I would miss the newest news because I would never think the new stuff is on the very last pages. This is how it's done on Facebook and most other social platforms even RSS feeds. I have a hard time even finding my own posts, and you know some of these discussions get to be hundreds of pages. long so you kind of have to guess oh maybe I'm on page 132 or something and that would be the same for when trying to find where you have read to and where the comments you haven't read start. Maybe you're all just used to it this way but I'm thinking I have just discovered the key to my ongoing confusion... I think it's a little more than that though LOL

    I think the newest post should be at the top where you see them right away and then you can read down until you get to the stuff you've read. You don't have to go searching. When I go to a discussion that I've been involved or interested in I should be able to see the new stuff right away not all the old stuff.

    Another note about commenting: I don't see the reason to include the original Post in with everybody's comment. I've gotten confused and commented on one of those that were just a repeat so as to refer to what the comment was about. I have put posts there. They would never be seen except by the person who posted the comment referring to the original post. See? this is getting more confusing but I'm figuring it out in a sort of backwards way. I think it would be helpful to have the page number at the top also and maybe the title of the discussion i.e. Hot topics page 1...Hot topics page 377 (from 2019 LOL I'm just joking now but I'm hoping you see my point.) In that way you'd know what you were posting your comment to and that full comment wouldn't have to be repeated, as explained above. I I think we'll obviously because of my comments haha but that these ideas are more along the lines of simplicity, streamlining and efficiency.

    By the way I think I better copy this for pasting because I'm not sure if I'm in the first comment box or the benign second one! I feel for you people. And this is something none of you get paid for right? and you do in your own spare time right? after you've done everything you have to do in life like work and family etc right? Sure, ok....For the love of the game.

  • I now see the reason for the plus sign as someone mentioned earlier. It is kind of in an awkward place and maybe a little large. I'm on mobile but it is kind of in the way of what you're doing. And the arrow should be lower cuz it's right now sitting in the middle of my comment box. But I'm glad it's there the plus sign is there because I don't have to go all the way to the end of all the comments maybe right to page 377 to find the comment box. I'm trying to making fun but in a way that I can get my point across in the way that I mean it to be. Am I just being weird saying that LOL it's getting late and I've had a couple of very trying days and I should just stop talking now but curious to read more comments and responses to this discussion tomorrow. Is that how you spell curious? Spelling and words and letters are my thing, I can spell words that I've never heard of. But you know how some words just don't look right sometimes? Curious. Goodnight!

    Oh yeah. I might as well add this when I want to start a new paragraph it doesn't necessarily have to have that extra space in between. I just want to start a new paragraph not a new section you know? Another space saving idea I guess. But mostly cuz it irks me. LOL. Now...goodnight from the very west coast of Canada, Vancouver Island.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,882

    Hello there! Everyone! 👋

    Thank you for your answering your feedbacks!

    At the beginning, The new look is starting great but it's still causing facing issues are always keep login issues, lagging page issues, tagging issues, becoming more confused, also accessibility problems as the pictures are bug, the fonts are too small that it's becoming more difficult to see than before on King Community! Oh Dear! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

    Also don't worried! We really cannot see/view another players' email address on their view profile 😊

    We can see own email address by ourselves on our own profile only. 😊

    I haven't received my email notifications by these players sent and copied my address from this community right now. 😊

    And Yeah! I also agree bring back to the old look is still better than the new look and new updates like the fonts, view threads and more on King Community as well. Thanks! 🙏

  • Bellamy32
    Bellamy32 Posts: 2,377

    Yes I agree Jo, the double chat box is confusing when trying to upload screenshots. Also the notifications symbol you can barely read the number because the font used is not easy on the eye.

    It seems like we just have to get used to it..🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    I think every user has spoken. Bring back the old interface.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?