⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
Very well put
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Thank you!
I understand it can be frustrating for the people that collected those badges, but due to legal reasons we have to rename and change all CotR badges. The badge it self will not be removed, so your points you got by collecting them will still be there.
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This sound much better 😉 I think nobody can and should argue about legal reasons.
Sound like a h*** of a job! Good luck.
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@Xxander I agree, Oh Yeah! ʕᴥ• ʔ☝
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Thank you for the explanation @Novapichu, which is appreciated. I believe that a lot of discussion and upset could have been avoided, had the Community been advised appropriately at the start.
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Good morning
Yesterday I saw that you were working on the profiles. Thank you for that. So I can see exactly when I joined. I never knew that day.
In addition to the profiles, I also wished for the nationality. I had this in my team post: to improve the community: deposited.
Nevertheless, everything is still treated in black and white. There I am transported back to the GDR time, when there were black and white televisions.
Even if you enter colored symbols, they are black and white.
You really can't be serious, can you? Or?
Another suggestion would be: annual badge for the birthdays of the day of entry. They should be put up and separately. Because these are special badges and with all the other badges they go down.
You can show how long you have been here. The only thing that is colorful are the badges.
The color makes people happy. Why don't you have colors?
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Hi, I have not worked on anything related to profiles, so no idea what you are talking about. 🤔 But I will investigate.
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You know what the profiles looked like before. I hope you understand my translation! Because the back translation is exactly what I said. Thank you for the answer and then you want to inquire. I give you credit for that.😉😊
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Hello @Novapichu 👋
Nice to meet you! I see lots of topics from you ....
Are 👇 things you will be working on? There seems to be topics that are out dated, or in this case just wrong? In my first opinion here on the forum, it seems a lack of attention or just lazyness 😒 (not trying to offent people) But 200 commebts away from level 4 is incorrect....
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@Novapichu I am not sure if anyone wrote here about the search box no longer available here in the community. I always found it very helpful if I was responding to a player about a certain issue and typing it in the search box allowed me to see if it was ever mentioned previously. Is this something that might come back one day or is it gone completely? I sure do miss it!