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What can we do to make the King Community even better? ✨



  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    Tests are a myth that the studio uses to disguise their laziness, or their incompetence, or their unwillingness to solve specific problems. They say they have a strategy to improve games. But they don't tell us what they are doing, or even what they want to do. Therefore, I concluded a long time ago that there is no strategy. There are only tactics. And their tactical goal is to calm us down. Well, OK. I don't credit any studio attempt to do this. Your efforts can only be successful for beginners. I don’t believe you, because for many years now I’ve only seen the words: “Be patient a little longer and the studio will make you happy.” At first I thought it was sad. Now I think this is funny. And I only laugh at the new promises of the “great King”)))).

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    Why do we need reactions whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways? The reaction should be unambiguous. When I give a reaction, I have to be sure that it will be understood correctly. I want to be sure that anyone who sees my reaction clearly understands what this means. I will not post reactions that may have a double meaning. Do you understand?

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Greetings @ElenaVorona yes, I understand and players feel different ways concerning the reactions. Neither is wrong, neither is right. We are just giving ideas/suggestions here.

    I myself care nothing about points. Some players really like to collect points. I would rather collect boosters and gold.


  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    I am also giving a suggestion here. I am making a specific and important proposal.
    Each reaction must have an unambiguous meaning (!).
    I don't want to guess what the person who gave that reaction meant.
    I want to immediately understand why he gave such a specific reaction under the post.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    edited June 2024

    Exactly! Suggestions!🤗

  • Courtney1990
    Courtney1990 Posts: 2,021
    edited June 2024

    *Edited by CM: 😳 You seem to be lost and in the wrong thread! Please keep it in topic - Our House Rules

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    One thing is to fix all the issues we're having typing, double letters when a sentence is started on a new line, every other post going for approval, screenshots becoming stretched when posted, mods not having the ability to tag players. What others am I missing?

    I like and agree with what @Spinnifix said about Thank You.🥰

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hello @FluffyDinosaur

    I got tagged on this thread today…

    At first, I felt a little skeptical to come here to express my opinion or some suggestions because to me the Community have turn out a little bit boring for the last 3 years or so. Silent I would say. Moderators don’t answer many of our questions or just answer to some players they want to. I have seen that.

    But then I thought, I will do this for my fellow jelly friends @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Spinnifix
    They have being a great asset to this Community since I joined in here in 2020 during the Pandemic. Always finding ideas to improve it, to make it more fun and accessible for new members that somehow got lost in different areas. They were always trying to help them when other Mods would not. And today, they still continue doing that.
    Because of them and recently because of @Spinnifix,

    I believe your thread here today @FluffyDinosaur, is a summary of all her and other member’s ideas, point of views and concerns on how to improve and make this Community better. It’s ok. There is a say “Two great minds think alike” and that’s wonderful.

    Because of that, I humbly suggest that she should be recognized here publicly. That would be nice, don’t you think?
    That would be part of the “Inclusion in the Community! Better said: “Honor to whom honor deserves” ❤️

    Yes, I have thoughts or suggestions on how to improve this Community and it’s that hopefully you Moderators, Managers and the Studio, take our voices seriously.
    We don’t want to continue loosing confidence in you because we feel that many things we have been asking for, haven’t done and somehow we have felt ignored.

    -For example, we ask you to advocate for us with King and the Studio about several issues already presented here that we are having with the different games we play.

    We feel that you have not done enough for us.
    We need your feedback in a very honest way. Not just giving us feedback that looks more like an excuse so we can calm down and then forget. Speak to us honestly and we will understand you better.
    *One moderator did it with me a couple of weeks ago. She couldn’t solve the problem but because her honesty, I was satisfied with her answer.

    5. Any other ideas or suggestions?

    If you have any other thoughts on how we can improve, don't hold back. We’re all ears! 👂

    Let’s make our community shine even brighter together! 🌟Thanks for being such an amazing part of the King Community! 💖

    I have another important and primordial suggestion.
    -We need people from The Studio to be present here in the Community to help us and to listen to our concerns. To answer our questions about the problems/issues with the games we play.

    You might say that is not always a possibility because they are too busy working on how to implement the games? I can understand that at a certain point but that will sound more like an excuse for us. Don’t forget that by ignoring this requests from players will also affect their business. Because people will stop playing their games and no revenue will come to King Company’s Bank account. They wouldn’t like that to happen.

    I could say more but I know many members have already expressed here before me lots of ideas and suggestions that I support 100%.

    95chata ☀️

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I agree with you.😊 There's not much, if any communication from "King" to players about issues.

    I agree with Peter, most of our ideas are ignored.

    Maybe I should say…they seem to be ignored. There's no communication to us about them. If they're not possible then tell us it's not possible. If it's something "King" doesn't want to implement them tell us. As of right now the ideas seem to just sit there ignored, sometimes for a year or more. If they are reviewed how do we know? This makes me and probably others believe they're not reviewed or not important.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    Hi @FluffyDinosaur thanks for asking our input. The main thing that I feel that can improve the community is to bring back the private message system. I feel the ability for people to make personal connections is what made the community strong. People forged lasting relationships and the community was a much friendlier place.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?