Player Profile / Signature Photos

@_Elsa_ I'm trying to make my pictures larger in my signature settings. Right now the maximum size I can save is Medium. When I change it to large, it becomes very distorted and doesn't look like the original picture. I realize there are resolution limits on photos that can be saved in the signature settings. Should I be saving the pictures in a particular format, such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF, to allow me to make them larger? Is there something else I'm missing here? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, have a great day π
June 25, 2024 - 10:01 NST
Hi @Colleen12! You just answered my question as to why some signatures look distorted! I couldn't figure out why some signatures looked so distorted and now you just told me why. Thanks!
Yes I have a way for you to make it look better. All signatures must be a certain size: 668 pixels wide x 116 wide (see image below).
I already have a master copy (see above) so I will attach it for you if you want to use a free art program in the future.
It is a png image which means that it would be on a transparent background. I just did this for you.
What I did was use a free program that I use online. I uploaded the transparent rectangle and then went to your photo and reduced it down to 669 pixels wide. Then I was able to insert it into the rectangle box. Since this rectangle shape is limited to height there is no way to get the entire image that was reduced by the width. I just went to your signature and moved it upwards until it was more or less the same idea.
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Excellent @_Elsa_
I had the same question, that now is answered!
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@_Elsa_ and @Nikolaos_Prodromidis I should also note that this has only recently started happening so I'm not sure if the sizing requirements have changed or something else is happening. I will definitely look further into your suggestions and see if I fix my signature picture. Thanks, have a great day π
June 25, 2024 - 1:14 om NST
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If you use the rectangular image that I sent you then you don't have to think of sizing anything. That's the size that I use for my signatures. I just upload it and then save it.
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Do you want a seasonal background. What season? If not, please find a background for me and tell me what King characters you want. My computer is closed so please let me know what you want and I will try to get it done tomorrow.
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ok I will surprise you and it will be done tomorrow.
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Good morning @LindaHS76 ! I don't know where you live but I live in the USA so I've been up quite early watching the presidental results. I made you 2 signatures. The first is an everyday with a CCFS background and the second is a winter signature. I'll attach both of them below. I'm not sure if you know how to add it so I'll also give you the directions below.
To add it to your profile:
First save both images an then go to your profile by clicking on your avatar.
Click on the "Edit Profile" and it will open up the next area.
Click on the "Signature Settings".
Click on the photo icon and it will open to where you saved the signatures. Once you choose the signature click on it and it should open in your profile and then click the "Save" button.
If you do not like either one of these signatures, please suggest something that I can create for you instead.