👑 Pro Players - Welcome to the Community!
Woohoo! Congratulations to @Ibnana, @lasheac2001 and all of Pro Players! You did promoted to Pro Player on King Community now! It's majestic! Thanks for your continuing to play a lot of King's Games so much! Pro Players! 👑🤗
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IIm A pro Plsyer love my King Gsmed
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Woohoo! Congratulations to you! You did promoted to Pro Player on King Community now! It's majestic! Thanks for your continuing and loving to play a lot of King's Games so much! @Mindy0303 ❤️👑🤗
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congratulations my friends
I will order your badges 🌹
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Very excited to become a Pro-Player on Kings Community! Thank you guy's!☺️
User ID: 1100352980
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Woohoo! Congratulations to you! You did promoted to Pro Player on King Community now! It's majestic! Thanks for your continuing and loving to play a lot of King's Games so much! @MotherGinger87 ❤️👑🤗
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Congratulations my friend 👏
I will order your badge 💓
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Eindelijk voorbij level 7000 bereikt
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Woohoo! Congratulations to you! You did promoted to Pro Player on King Community now! It's majestic! Thanks for your continuing and loving to play a lot of King's Games so much! @madness200p ❤️👑🤗
We love chatting and helping out! But we do all our conversations in English, so everyone can understanding and joining in. 🤗
Could you please re-post your question in English? That way, one of our friendly community members can jumping in to assist you. 😊
Thanks for your understanding and have a wonderful day! 🤗