💕FINISHED - Hub - Very Special Valentine's Event 2025 💕
Hi @bearwithme 🙂
CCSS - bee antennal tip
CCS - star above Misty's lip
PRS - additional carrot sideway
CCFS - different shape pink heart balloon
FHS - Amelia's color changed scarf
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I played three contests and the most challenging for me was Candy Crush.
Happy Valentines Day everyone ❤️
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The differences that were difficult to find……
FHS ~ Hunter’s eye
CCS ~ Dog’s missing eyebrow
Soda ~ Bear’s tongue
Friends ~ Cloud
Jelly ~ Balloons
BWS3 ~ Bigger heart
Pet Rescue ~ Small house
Blossom Blast ~ Missing heart
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Candy crush Jelly I liked the hat in the monkey and Alien with balloons was flipped.tricky lol
Candy crush Soda I thought the twinkles in the fountain of honey was clever, along with the pattern of the rose. Good job 👍
Candy crush Friends the most challenging was the extra red heart in the bubblegum..tricky. lol cloud and altered angled hearts were super easy.
Thanks for the fun contest. I hope I did this correctly 😁
Happy Valentine's Day everyone 💞 💞 💞
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ID #13225186063
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Thanks for the tag @bearwithme
Here's my entries:
#1CCF. And it was easiest
#2 CCJS My favorite
#3 CCS it was the hardest than my other 2 entries
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Thanks for the contest!
BBS - the small piece of trim on the window
CCS - the eyebrow was especially hard to find
CCSF - the heart in the cloud
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Hallo, hier ist mein Beitrag ☺️
ein toller Wettbewerb der wie immer sehr viel Spaß gemacht hat. 🤩 Vielen Dank dafür 🤗
BW3 - die rote Kugel im Herz hat mich herausgefordert 😂
CCS - hier war es der kleine weiße Stern
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Hello there! @bearwithme 👋💕🥰
Wow! That was very awesome and special fun Valentine's Event 2025 Contest and Badge! We really love participating and playing this awesome and special fun Valentine's Event 2025 Contest and also love claiming this Valentine’s Event 2025 Badge so much! 💕🏅🥰
Then finally I am so... back and here are my final answers of the most difficult to find the difference into the spoiler now! 👇💕🥰
CCS - Small pink spot has been missing on Misty's Mouth.
CCSS - White spot has been missing on the Purple Balloon.
CCJS - Puffler's right wing has been missing.
CCFS - Small pink balloon has been changed to little bigger.
FHS - Hunter's right eye's colour has been changed to brown.
BW3S - One heart has been changed to little bigger on the above of the big colourful heart.
PRS - The small building has been missing.
BBS - The window handle has been missing.
I just want and love claiming this Valentine’s Event 2025 Badge only! Thank you so much! 💕🏅🥰
Happy Valentine’s Day to All of You! @bearwithme, King Community Team and King Community Players! 💕🥰
💎💕 Diamond Lim 💕💎