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  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,742

    Simnel cakeĀ is aĀ fruitcakeĀ associated withĀ LentĀ andĀ EasterĀ and widely eaten inĀ England,Ā IrelandĀ and countries with patterns of migration from them. It is distinguished by layers ofĀ almond pasteĀ orĀ marzipan, typically one in the middle and one on top, and a set of eleven balls made of the same paste. It was originally made for the fourth Sunday in Lent,[1]Ā also known asĀ Laetare Sunday, theĀ Refreshment SundayĀ of Lent (when the 40-day fast would be relaxed),Ā Mothering Sunday, the Sunday of the Five Loaves,[2]Ā or Simnel Sunday; named after the cake.[3]Ā In the United Kingdom, it is now commonly associated with Mothering Sunday and Easter Sunday.[4]



    Simnel cake decorated with marzipan

    Conventionally, 11 marzipan balls are used to decorate the cake, symbolising the 12Ā apostlesĀ minusĀ Judas Iscariot.[1][5][6]Ā Occasionally, 12 are used, representing Jesus and the 11 apostles.[7][8]Ā However, an early reference to decorating with marzipan balls appears in May Byron'sĀ Pot-Luck Cookery,[9][10]Ā but with no mention of this symbolism, and her version may well be derived from earlier styles, which were sometimes crenelated.[11]



    A slice of the cake showing dried fruits

    Simnel cake is a light fruitcake, generally made from the following ingredients:Ā white flour,Ā sugar,Ā butter,Ā eggs, fragrantĀ spices,Ā dried fruits,Ā zestĀ and candied peel. Sometimes orange flower water or brandy is used, either in the cake batter or to flavour the almond paste. In most modern versions, marzipan or almond paste is used as a filling, with a layer laid in the middle of the mix before the cake is cooked, and as decoration on top.[12]Ā Most recipes require at least 90 minutes of cooking, and advise using several layers of baking parchment to line the tin, and sometimes brown paper wrapped around the outside to stop the marzipan burning.[13]



    Simnel cakes have been known since at leastĀ medieval times. Bread regulations of the time suggest they were boiled and then baked, a technique which led to an invention myth, in circulation from at least 1745 until the 1930s,[14][15]Ā whereby a mythical couple, Simon and Nelly, fall out over making a Simnel. One wishes to boil it, one to bake it and, after beating each other with various household implements, they compromise on a recipe which uses both techniques.

    Simnel cakes are often associated with Mothering Sunday,[16]Ā also known as Simnel Sunday.[17]Ā According to historianĀ Ronald Hutton, the custom of live-in apprentices and domestic servants going home (their only day off in the year) to visit their "Mother Church" where they had been Christened, and visit their mothers (and family) on Mothering Sunday, checking that their families were well and taking food or money if needed, started in 17th CenturyĀ GloucestershireĀ andĀ Worcestershire. This was a time of year when food stocks were low, and the high-calorie simnel cake was useful nutrition.[16]Ā The cake later became simply an Easter cake.[18]

    The meaning of the word "simnel" is unclear: there is a 1226 reference to "bread made into a simnel", which is understood to mean the finest white bread,[19]Ā from the LatinĀ simila, "fine flour" (from which 'semolina' also derives).Ā John de GarlandeĀ felt that the word was equivalent toĀ placenta cake,[3]Ā a cake that was intended to please.[20]



    Shrewsbury Simnel cake with pastry covering and crenulated decoration, 1869

    Different towns had their own recipes and shapes of the Simnel cake. BothĀ BuryĀ andĀ ShrewsburyĀ produced large numbers to their own recipes.Ā Chambers Book of DaysĀ (1869) contains an illustration of the Shrewsbury Simnel cake, of which says:[21]

    It is an old custom in Shropshire andĀ Herefordshire, and especially at Shrewsbury, to make during Lent and Easter, and also at Christmas, a sort of rich and expensive cakes, which are called Simnel Cakes. They are raised cakes, the crust of which is made of fine flour and water, with sufficient saffron to give it a deep yellow colour, and the interior is filled with the materials of a very rich plum-cake, with plenty of candied lemon peel, and other good things. They are made up very stiff; tied up in a cloth, and boiled for several hours, after which they are brushed over with egg, and then baked. When ready for sale the crust is as hard as if made of wood ... the accompanying engraving, representing large and small cakes as now on sale in Shrewsbury. The usage of these cakes is evidently one of great antiquity.

    Today, in Shrewsbury, as elsewhere in England, the Simnel cake is usually made with the Bury recipe.[21]


  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,742

    Fruitcake is famously associated with Christmas,Ā but less well known ā€“ and equally delicious ā€“ is its springtime cousin, the simnel cake. Lighter, sweeter and steeped in symbolism, this EasterĀ bake is also one of the UK's most mysterious traditional treats.

    The simnel cake weĀ eat today is a light,Ā almondy fruitcake made from white flour, sugar, butter, eggs, spices, dried fruit and candied peel. It has a layer of marzipan or almond paste baked into the middle, and orange flower water or brandy may be added to the cake batter or the filling.Ā 

    What distinguishes it from other cakes is itsĀ decoration. Traditionally, simnel cake hasĀ another layer of almond paste or marzipan on top, and is adorned with 11 marzipan balls (representing the apostles, minus Judas). Edible flowers or Easter elements like toy chicks can be added as a final flourish.

    There are some weird and wonderful theories about how the cake got its name ā€“ and one of the most humorous is a 19th-century tale about an old couple called Simon and Nell.

    Legend has it that they decided to use leftover ingredients from Christmas to make a cake for spring, but they argued over what to do with the dough. Simon wanted to boil it, and Nell wanted to bake it. They compromised by doing both, with their invention becoming known as a Sim-Nell.

    It's also been suggested that the cake is named afterĀ Lambert Simnel, a claimant to the throne duringĀ Henry VIIā€™s time. Victorian novelist Elizabeth Gaskell referenced this highly unlikely theory in a letter to a friend in 1838, when she shared her childhood recollections of eating simnel cake on Mothering Sunday in Knutsford, Cheshire.

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,732
    edited February 28

    Give it a try if you haven't, have someone make it home made, it's the best and filling.

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    Oyster stew has a taste all it's own. New England clam chowder would be a cousin of oyster stew. OTC crackers are very hard crackers in the shape of a ball. They are a little smaller than a golf ball. You have to crush the crackers in your hand to add them to your bowl. They were created in Trenton New Jersey USA. Other companies tried to copy the crackers but none came close. OTC stands for Original Trenton Cracker. Sadly the company went out of business a few years ago

  • no_money_no_life
    no_money_no_life Posts: 4

    Level 1

    CĆ³ mĆ³n ăn nĆ o đį»ƒ ăn hįŗ±ng ngĆ y mĆ  Ä‘Ę”n giįŗ£n, xin cĆ“ng thį»©c đį»ƒ chįŗæ biįŗæn.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,723

    Hello there and Welcome to Sweet King Community! @no_money_no_life šŸ‘‹šŸ˜Š

    Thank you for joining us! We love chatting and helping out, but we do all our conversations in English so everyone can understand and join in. šŸ¤—

    Could you please re-post your question in English? That way, one of our friendly community members can jump in to assist you. šŸ˜Š

    Thanks for understanding and have a wonderful day! šŸ¤—

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Sounds delicious my friend and thank you for sharing the recipe and the history šŸ’“

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Thats one for the recipe book shame about the crackers no longer available šŸ’“

  • cameliab
    cameliab Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Nothing beats homemade food, especially when itā€™s made with love šŸ’“ My favorite was always my momā€™s special desserts! Speaking of sweet treats, I also love checking out the Dunkinā€™ Donuts menu for some delicious options šŸ©šŸ˜Š What was your favorite homemade dish?

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