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(FINISHED) 1 year Anniversary competition! 100 Gold Bars to win!



  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650
    domonique  Welcome to the King Community!! I hope you enjoy it here.
    Here is a link that will lead you to current events, news and contests. You will like this.

             News, Contests & Special Events     

    Participate in this many of them as you can. 
    Have fun, Glenn
  • AShadow
    AShadow Posts: 23

    Level 3

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,173

    Hello! Everyone! 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Sorry for your reply because this contest is finished already now! 😔

    But don't be sad! You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news if you have playing any King's Game! 😉

    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Good luck and have a nice day! 😊

  • Dixie228
    Dixie228 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    1) C 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,173

    Hello! @Dixie228 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Sorry for your reply because this contest is finished already now! 😔

    But don't be sad! You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news if you have playing any King's Game! 😉

    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Good luck and have a nice day! 😊

  • ksarang100
    ksarang100 Posts: 6

    Level 1

    I near 6000 level ...

  • ksarang100
    ksarang100 Posts: 6

    Level 1

    Candy much thank left corona...

  • AbhinavSargar
    AbhinavSargar Posts: 3,726

    1. How many hehe:s have been clicked during this first year in Community?

    B) 21 000

    2. How many players have joined the Community since it was launched a year ago?

    C) 550 000

    3. How many Superstars has the Community had in total during the year?

    A) 19

    4. When you get to 25 000 amount of points, do you know what you will get then or what will happen ?

    B) An exclusive box with King merchandise

    5. How many times have pages been viewed in total in the first year of King Community history?

    C) 40 000 000

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    edited May 2020

    1. How many hehe:s have been clicked during this first year in Community?

    B) 21 000

    2. How many players have joined the Community since it was launched a year ago?

    C) 550 000

    3. How many Superstars has the Community had in total during the year?

    A) 19

    4. When you get to 25 000 amount of points, do you know what you will get then or what will happen ?

    B) An exclusive box with King merchandise

    5. How many times have pages been viewed in total in the first year of King Community history?

    C) 40 000 000

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