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(Poll ended) What's your Flavour? 😊

QueenB Posts: 15,820
edited June 2020 in Discussions

We are constantly working on making sure our players have the best experience when reaching out to our Player Support team. With this in mind, we would love to get your feedback by taking part of this poll.


" You suddenly lost your game and you can't seem to pick up where you left off. HELP!!! 😩"

We hope you don't have to experience this scenario but if this would have happened and you are about to contact Player Support for help....

We want to know what you would select out of the options below by voting for what makes more sense to YOU in order to get the help that you need.

If you happen to have any other suggestions that are not below, please feel free to comment.

Thanks for your your help, you're a star 🤩

(Poll ended) What's your Flavour? 😊 257 votes

Game did not save
12% 32 votes
I ’ve lost my levels
15% 39 votes
Game reset to level 1
3% 10 votes
Back to level 1
2% 7 votes
I lost my game
12% 32 votes
Game started me over
12% 31 votes
Restore my levels
41% 106 votes


This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?