New font
Hello everyone, can I ask you please, the game has slightly changed font, right?
Christmas bonus round
I’ve not had my Christmas bonus round
Ads are gone, again
Please give the ads back. It's impossible to get any progress now..
Accesso account facebook
Salve non riesco ad accedere al mio account di Facebook da un po'. Mi dà errore.
Level 110
need help
Account deletion
Hello, I would like to please delete my account. Thank you
Just Found Out
Hi everyone,✋I’m new this community even though I’ve been playing for a while…just found this out so look forward to seeing what’s what 🎈
Ce très difficile a joué vous pouvez me aider à joeur merci beaucoup
Bubble with
Ce cette joue
Video ads
I discovered that I can no longer view ads which enabled me with extra moves. What's going on kings?