Esse jogo da para ganhar dinheiro real
Esse jogo dá para ganhar dinheiro real
hey guys
Lost levels
Wouldn't you think King would be more helpful at retreaving lost levels .. I can't uograde on my kindke fire that I've played on for years cos it now doesnt suppirt their system.. I'm on about level 3,255 and I've lost them by trying to download it into my mobile so I get the upgrade . Why can't they just give me the…
No internet connection
Hi hi 👋🏽 having issues with the game. It keeps saying that I'm not connected to the internet. But I'm on fibre WiFi. So i can't save my progress
I need help on my current level
Need help
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Vol de lingots
Bonsoir. Hier le jeu m'a carrément volée 50 lingots. Je suis dégoutée !!! On m'a proposée 50 lingots à gagner alors qu'en fait c'était tellement mal expliqué, que j'ai perdu 50 lingots au de les gagner. Je suis très en colère car ça devient vraiment trop trop difficile de gagner des niveaux alors si en plus le jeu nous…
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I know to get unlimited Life without purchase money u want to know? Chat me
Scrubby Dubby
Hi , how do you earn coins in Scrubby Dubby? Have been playing for years and never earned coins. Can anyone tell me how to.