That envelope is ALWAYS EMPTY now. I used to have up to 20 lives given to me daily from my friends and now something has changed in the last 2 days. I can NO LONGER receive ANY lives on either my iphone app nor my iPad app. This makes me want to quit playing after all these last 12 years. And I stupidly spend hundreds of…
As of yesterday September 5, 2023, my inbox for lives has been gray and no new lives show up. My friends and I send up to 20 lives per day to each other so I know this is a fluke. How do I report this technical issue?
My iPad will only play in portrait mode as of today. I used to be able to play in landscape mode. Why the change? I like to use my Apple keyboard stand to hold up the game, now I have to hold it vertical to play. I could use a stand, but those stands are wobbly with such a big iPad. Please make it available in landscape…
The new map is SIDEWAYS on my iPad- which is my favorite way to play because the screen is bigger. Now, the format is smaller, in the center and I have to prop my iPad on the side to play. This is stupid as it seems to be an iphone format placed onto an iPad. Also, I do like to see the path from above, not from right in…
Witty Lion 👍🏻