@lulu13 I appreciate the thought but ... can you return my lost boosters; can you bring back sugar drops, can you arrange for the bots to be earned on previous games? If none of this can be done I ask only one thing - give me back my lost boosters as they are now, for me at least, more required than ever before. I cannot…
I can tell you all my grievances and have done so on a number of occasions, but there has been NO positive response from King. You can ask for our thoughts or ideas but they are not all acted on. Why bother? Even your polls don't work ...
Without this and without sugar drops, the game has now become boring as I can not get past my current game. This no longer provides any incentive to keep going, particularly as we are all now required to stay home. Shame on you
@Glenn1972 Not entirely sure why you've sent this "map". All I want to do is play the game and not spend hours trying to negotiate that map. So I've registered for "badges" - will that give me back my boosters, bring back sugar drops, build a bot on earlier games? Some of the polls don't even work - why send me there if I…
@Glenn1972 Yes I have the chocolate box but it only offers the same boosters over and over and then the reward only arrives after 2 days! I need to be able use 2 x bombs, 2 x stripped and wrapped with 3 extra moves or I'm going nowhere - which I have tried this morning. Waste of time, boosters (a few of which I have) and…
@Glenn1972 The only thing I haven't been doing is putting @ in front of your name. The email definitely came from you and started with asking what level I was on. After that, nothing appears without logging in which I have (clearly) done and your message is not here. Level 5909 is the level. Aside from all this, the…
Glenn 1972 My email is telling me that you have sent another message but surprise, surprise! It's not showing up here. How do I answer it?