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Level 3


  • Sorry if I messed up this comment section, not very good at it, but figuring it out. Here are pics of my Companions and Rewards.... the last page of each
  • actually its 250 games, I'm on game 1360 and the last one was at 1110
  • Thank you for the response. As I stated I open at least two times a day to try to make sure I don’t miss a day, but I’m thinking it’s because it’s on the pc and king doesn’t seem to care much about pc users as their players mostly use iPad or phone. I’m getting the daily wrapped prizes when I use iPad though.
  • Yes, I mean farm heroes saga, I get the daily bonuses but it restarts to the beginning before I get the last one and I don’t miss any days
  • Thank you that helps me to understand. Appreciate the speedy response
  • Hi Marcie, We're not aware of any performance issues on our side so I suggest you improve the performance of your devices (cleaning storage and freeing RAM usually works well for me). If after improving your devices you still have issues with our games, please come back: we'll be happy to help! Cheers, Xarly I have plenty…
  • You're welcome, hopefully as the design studio lurk they will see this thread and maybe think of it as an option. The trouble is as everyone is all over the world everyone gets different times so yes, your suggestion would be handy :) sorry i should have added this last night but I always get better ideas afterwards lol.…
  • Good idea if I have those extra day time hours, but I don't, thanks for your response

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