Thank you so much for your reply Kiara. indeed it is very annoying..... I hope the studio will give me a reply. And above all that they can do something soon with this player. best regards!
Hello! what is this new thing that we do not win Gold Bars but just a simple regular bonus at the end of the Episode????? Is this just a try or permanent variation? Not appreciated at all! Weekly tournaments are the only way to gain Gold Bars, what the use to change it? Please kindly explain...... Thank you ❤️
Hello Glenn, thank you but I do not know how to use all this KING COMMUNITY......... Sorry.......... I will try to post it as a new topic however
nooooooooooooooooo 😫
Thank you.......... 😪
Checked App Store many times yesterday AND today.... no updates at the moment.... Safari's cache cleand completely..... The game does not go beyond the LOADING screen....
Hi Freddy, Thank you for your reply. Indeed my IPad has 216 GB free space.... I never use Safari........ I have played yesterday during the day, and in the evening suddenly it did not load at all and so today..... This means I have to uninstall the game? And loose all the boosters and prizes? done this on my IPhone years…