Hi my friend if you play any level then close down and leave your device off for a moment or two any saved level progress will restore 💓
Thank you for noticing that my friend I didn't realise I will have the badge changed 💓
You are very welcome my friend 💓
Hi my friend I have responded to your previous thread HERE 💓
No worries my friend I will leave your badge on your wall 💓
Hold fire guys as the badge is not coming through I have raised it I will retag once it is live 💓
Hi my friend Please try the following Log out of Facebook from the profile menu, then log into the King account using the "Log in with email" option. Your progress from Facebook should automatically carry over. If these steps don’t work and your progress doesn’t sync, please share a screenshot of your current level from…
Hi my friend I will move you over to pet rescue where your post can be translated 💓
Done ✔ 💓