Thank you and yes very stressful 😅😅
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you I will try that
I am sorry for your loss. I believe in my faith strongly. So I know one day, hopefully not soon lol, I will be with my loved ones again. God bless I truly appreciate your kindness so much. I would add you to friends but don't know how you do that either ugh lol
I really appreciate it. I posted something because my beautiful granddaughter passed away. She was only 17months old so Valentine’s Day is a little sad. I normally am not one to befriend people, I will keep your name though since you are truly so kind to help me. Thank you. I don't even no how to add friends lol. I'm old 😆
@_Elsa_ @Diamond_Lim To all the King Community! Though this isn't a Valentine’s poem I post this to all those who have someone they wish was still with us and is up in heaven. So HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to all, even our loved ones not here❤️❤️💜💜
I actually am going to post something but thank you so much
Ok thank you. I play candy crush soda. I will look up something. Very sweet of you