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Rhonda_L Level 3


  • @Snow_Rider As of now, I'm not a fan. It won't load when I click play from the Rainbow Party. It freezes the game. STOP! Before you tell me to clear cache, restart, yada yada, I've done it, numerous times. I want my normal Fishing With Friends back!
  • @Grammy51 I hate to be a 'buzz-killer', but I definitely have to totally disagree with you. I don't play new levels often anymore as I'm in range of 16000. For some reason I decided to play a new Episode this morning. WOO HOO! Not only did I win the Episode Race, I won 167 Gold Bars thanks to Candy Royale!!! (Plus some…
  • This and the new challenges (friends challenge) are certainly meant for new levels only. No thanks, King. Bring back the side games where everyone can participate! I.E. Bash for Bars, and something that gives me switches and hammers. Until then, I can't play new levels. Not even going to start a new Episode with 10 hard,…
  • @christinewupp I totally agree with everything you said. These people aren't coming back. Maybe, just maybe, if King (aka Microsoft) would set up a translator on this app instead of redirecting them, maybe we could help them. It IS absolutely ridiculous. They don't understand your "oops" message as they don't speak…
  • @escobal29 You're so very welcome! We do try to help here in the community. Hope you and your husband are doing well! Welcome to the community and Happy Crushin'! 😸
  • @escobal29 To answer your question, yes, you can go back to old levels to obtain the required candies. (i.e. purple). But you don't get the x30 that you do on unplayed levels. There used to be quite a few levels that gave many purples, now I only know of one because King chose to change a lot of them. Can't say which level…
  • 👏 Totally agree @christinewupp I can't find threads that I'm looking for. After looking at page 2 (for something posted the same day), I give up. Search Bar doesn't help. Very well said, BTW! Have a great weekend! 😸
  • Yes, when you make a purchase, you lose your ability to watch ads. Good luck to you.
  • Please don't buy with real $. You'll lose the ability to watch ads for boosters and free moves.
  • @Darrific1 Maybe you made a purchase? Therefore, your ability to watch ads doesn't happen. Once you make a purchase, you lose your ads. It's been explained time and time again. 😸
  • My game is back to normal, y'all!! Woohoo! Actually had Bash for Bars this morning. I did receive the stupid Butterfly thing and an Episode Challenge yesterday. Back to Happy Crushin'! 😸
  • @Alienscar @Pyrolight I would have checked 'All The Above'!!! 😸
  • @Reborn_007 I'm sorry I can't help you more. Maybe @Alienscar can. Perfect person to help anyone!
  • @Reborn_007 Are you referring to the player cards? If you are, they're certainly not right. I don't know what's going on with that. Seems like Wednesdays are updating my players card.
  • @Reborn_007 I'm hoping I can explain this right. Yes, you can play old levels and accumulate purple candies. However, those aren't multipled x30 as they are when you play new levels. It's NOT cheating. IMO, there are many playing lower levels for the first time, therefore, receiving x30 purple. I, myself, chose not to play…
  • @Nedman It used to be what you've described. They've changed the Chocolate Boxes, so maybe in time, Microsoft will change the rewards back to what they used to be. Have a good day! 😸
  • @Alienscar Once again, very well said and explained. 👏 Thank you for all you do.👍😸
  • @Alienscar @Pyrolight You've both turned this cloudy day into sunshine!!! 😂 It's been awhile since I've laughed this hard!!! Thank you! I'd pick up the mic but I don't know how and even if I did, I can't sing a lick! Many people aren't looking for help, they're here to aggravate. Anyway, @Shemx2 "Bye, bye, Miss American…
  • @christinewupp Just throwing my 2 cents in… I've been checking my Player Card, and Wednesday it kicked over to what I've played so far this week. Big fat zero, which is correct. Last week I managed one Episode. Lives sent, 95 which is also correct. So I'm guessing (not going to say a* * uming because it may kick me for…
  • I haven't even tried to play All Stars, so I can't give an opinion one way or another. But you guys have given me utter enjoyment and enlightenment and insight from your posts. Y'all do make me laugh at times! Thank you! Have a great day/evening! 😸

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