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TheaPierrot Level 2


  • Cake is working wee for me on a pixel 3a. I'm not sure but I think I get offered the cake after doing something on Mr. Toffee.This week's cake was only 3 tier when previous weeks have been 5 tier.
  • There are some weird bugs in the game when switching platforms. The first bug has been around for years. When I switch between android tablet and laptop, playing through facebook on both, Mr. toffee disappears when I first open the game. I have to open and close a level then Mr. Toffee reappears. as though it is new. It…
  • Something changed in the last few days that messed up Mr. Toffee again with the "no internet connection message". It's bizarre. Happening on all Android devices on multiple characters. I have tried deinstalling and reinstalling facebook and Candy Crush Soda. Sometimes it recognizes the connection enough to update the board…
  • Well it seems they are tinkering. I play on three devices, two without signins. Recently I noticed I occasionally had 3 boosters on a board but the last day or two there have been no boosters at all. Seems they are playing with the variance. I got a striped lollipop which I don't recall getting before. 
  • It seems the booster tiles are gone! 
  • I could do a hard level to complete a row but someone chose it so is blocking me. Just put a timer on blocks. If it isn't done in 4 hours release the block. It would solve a lot of problems.
  • That's odd because I joined facebook and started playing because I like Mr. Toffee even though it needs improvement but I haven't been offered Mr. Toffee. 
  • Does anyone know if Mr. Toffee is on the facebook app?
  • Do players get a reward just for being on the board or do they have to complete the tile? 
  • I do feel there has been some slight improvement in players understanding but it could just be coincidence. If I am correct the developers will have seen an uptick in number of boards completed. Here is an idea. Rather than allowing 4 tiles instead of 2, allow 3 tiles. That still forces us to work together but gives us a…
  • They are picking those squares because they are just going to sit on them until you complete a row then they will get the rewards too. I think the changes made so far are an improvement but the biggest problem remains other players blocking the board. That is an easy fix. Let people quit a board or put a timer on how long…
  • It would solve a lot of problems if we could drop a board and get our 2 tile count back like when we start a new game any other time. Even make it so that we have to have done two tiles to drop the board so people don't just flip until they get a "good one" or put a one hour timer on board switching. 
  • I was excited to see the changes but I hope this is just the beginning. That people can "see" the row and column they should do is good. Putting a timer on tiles should be easy. If not completed within 4 hours the tile is freed, or allow more than one player to work on the same tile. That would solve the blocking issue.…
  • Mr. Toffee has changed! 
  • I don't want it removed. I enjoy it when other players use it as intended. I suspect that experienced players are deliberately blocking those of us who do like using it. Posting strategy is more fun than playing. Here is my new board. CB/Fish,,,,,,,,,Bubble,,,,,,,,,15 Wrap,,,,,,,CC…
  • Okay so I finished that board and started a new one. I decided this time I will do as has been recommended in this thread. I waited to see what the others would take. The last column is obviously the easiest. Fish-------Wrap-------S hammer----yellow Frost------CB/S-------CC--------------Bubble…
  •  I was delighted today when the other two players took a pass one level tile and a pass 1 bubble level tile. I then did the other two, a hard level and 15 stripes. I thought we would have a new board really fast. They have been sitting on those tiles all day. Obviously they haven't played all day. Now I have to do three…
  • An unintended consequence of the two tile limit is that I stop playing when I have completed my two tiles. I check periodically to see if it has been completed by someone else. I really enjoy the interaction between players when it happens that both understand how it works. More often than not a player is blocking me on an…
  • The restaurant analogy was excellent. I don't mind that we don't win on the diagonal. The little "i" doesn't help because people assume it is tic tac toe so don't think they need information. I think it would solve 90% of the problems if people just understood that. The only square needed on my column right now is "one new…

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