Today as I maneuvered through and took charge of the streets of kwazulu natal , to my dismay and bewilderment, my eyes feel upon the apprehension and disarray in the eyes of many folks questioning, querying and looking for answers. 21 days of quarantine ?They ask in denial many gender based violence? womenfolks sigh A lot…
(Edit my CM: Off-topic)
Such selfless and sacrifice
The best games ever offered by kings
Today as I maneuvered and took charge of the streets of kwazulu natal , to my dismay and bewilderment, my eyes feel upon the apprehension and disarray in the eyes of many folks questioning, querying and looking for answers. 21 days of quarantine ?They ask in denial many gender based violence? womenfolks sigh A lot of…
Stay safe stay clean . No to suicide even if you've lost everyone in this crisis. There's a reason why you're alive. Perhaps to make a difference in somebody's life. Who knows you can be a life saver. Have faith in your creator. #notosuicide #staysafe #coronavirusawareness
It's really disturbing to NOTE that the pandemic was known by some authors. Did they plan it after every 100 years or...?
It's so heartening and sad to see how people are dying, then you wonder is it a coincidence or did the barbaric big dogs plan this just like they planned ebola, anthrax, swine flu, bird flu, small pox, hiv and aids etc? You keep wondering whether you're a human being who has a right to life, or just a number or a lab rat.…