As usual I don't and.will not have this event.
@TamTami I had this issue last year and the year before. You should tag @QueenB with your game ID and ask her to contact King studio to help you.
@Daviz1071 Personally I don't want to chat with a bunch of people I don't know. I hope they never have this.
language please.
@christinewupp You might be right according to your test it does seem the majority of the players will not be able to join the all stars which is so wrong. Maybe King has been working this year on how to include more players. The all stars has to be the best way to grab money. Best to try and include as many countries as…
Tag QueenB with your game ID. She will pass it ti the studio.
@Nobody1 Agree.
@christinewupp OK I still enjoy playing both my games. The one where I'm at the end of the map I enjoy the most even without events. The other one is ok not as much I only like that one because I get almost all events and have been able to save mega gold. Really I just want to see how high my gold can get.
@Ccallstars If you can only use English it's best that you use the translate button that's available instead of telling the person to use English.