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drahcir61 Level 2


  • I too helped a friend pass a difficult level & although I wasn't expecting anything, it does seem logical that the helper should be rewarded, but in Candy Crush land logic is, apparently, illogical. 🤣
  • Funny, after spending $0.99 on 50 gold bars & some boosters they took away all ads ... Treasure Hunt, hot air balloon, extra moves ... all gone, which is why I canceled my 1st account. I'll be over 10k by the end of the year.
  • I was probably around level 1100 but that was only after playing for 3 weeks. I've won 450 the past week so maybe this feature is because I'm winning so much, I don't know. Btw, I canceled my 1st account at 9500+ after they took away all ads (I only started CC about 12 months ago).
  • Well it's happened to me 3 times in the past 10 days, reached the 255 max of extra moves & within 2 or 3 more tries it let me win. As with everything in Candy Crush land, nothing is ever fully understood.
  • If you lose enough the extra moves for 10 gold bars will max out at 255 extra moves. I didn't have gold bars either but once I reached 255 extra moves the game let me finally win. One time I played & lost 3 more times, extra moves stayed at 255 & then magically it let me win.
  • Maybe the winners just spent more money than you.
    in Riped off Comment by drahcir61 May 21
  • When you continue to lose the same game it will offer you extra moves for 10 gold bars. If you don't spend the 10 gold bars the extra moves increase & will eventually max out at 255 extra moves (that's a lot of attempts & losses). For me, it will magically let me win during the next 2 or 3 attempts.
  • Just yesterday I started getting ads again when I don't win a game. 5 additional moves if I watch 3 ads. It's not Treasure Hunt or the hot air balloon so I'm not replenishing inventory but it's better than nothing & I'm hoping more ads will return, be patient.
  • Geez & I thought 450 wins in one week was good! 🤣
  • Here is your solution. Continue using your lives including lives given to you by friends. You'll max out for the day & you'll have to try again tomorrow. You don't have 10 gold bars but each time you play & lose, it will increase the # of moves it will give you (if you had 10 gold bars). Eventually if you play & lose…
  • Mine shows 4 levels ... My Season Mastery has 4 levels … bronze, silver, gold, & platinum. I passed gold, currently at 50/130 to win platinum. My levels won this week is 450. 🤩
  • I know your frustration, after blitzing past level 9500+ in less than a year, I spent $0.99 & Treasure Hunt & all other ads were gone. I was toast & deleted my account. I created a new one 3 1/2 weeks ago & now I'm around level 1200. The good news for me is just last night, after losing a game & about to try again the…
  • To follow up, I deleted my first account & created a new one. After 3 1/2 weeks I'm now at 1100+, winning over 400 games this week & 24 consecutive episode wins. The good news is just last night, after losing a game I was surprised to see ads return to allow me additional moves. Watch one ad & get 2 moves, watch another ad…
  • Treasure Hunt & all other ads which would have replenished my inventory was terminated as soon as I made a $0.99 purchase. It wasn't 3 days or a week later, it was immediate. That's not a coincidence, the same thing has happened to other people. King is trying to make money, they have two revenue streams … commercial ads…
    in So Done Comment by drahcir61 April 22
  • You're not alone, many of us feel screwed after spending money & then the game becomes harder or features you once had are now gone. I've only been playing 11 months but reached level 9464, averaging 250-300 wins per week, & before I cancelled I had won 464 consecutive episode races (that's 15 games to win an episode, & I…
    in So Done Comment by drahcir61 April 22
  • I don't disagree that more rewards would be helpful, but, King/Candy Crush is in this to MAKE MONEY. If they give away more free inventory then you won't be spending $$$. Sure it's frustrating, you spend a lot of time playing this game but they are hoping you'll be so committed that you'll spend money to buy color bombs or…
  • Interesting about the two features but again, the loss of Treasure Hunt for me (& apparently others) is not a coincidence or someone turning the feature off due to "testing". There is a direct … & undisputable correlation … between a player making a purchase & then that player loses the free feature of watching ads to…
  • My understanding is that Sweet Cinema preceded Treasure Hunt & Sweet Cinema is being phased out. My wife had Sweet Cinema when I first joined last year, she didn't understand why I had Treasure Hunt. But just last week Sweet Cinema disappeared on her app & was replaced with Treasure Hunt. Either way, it is no coincidence…
  • I am too, I just requested they cancel my account. I'm still shaking my head how stupid they are. As I said, if they had just kept Treasure Hunt & my ability to add inventory all would be good, happy camper & more than likely I would have spent a few bucks here and there. Instead, they got my 99 cents & no more … brilliant…

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