Wow Thank you for the response Queen B. I must say the other response I had gotten seemed...hmm...automated…. Anyway my game ID is grnarmymen it would be nice if I could get what I tried so hard for. I hated myself in the morning the next day after the tournament ended haha. Lots of coffee!
Does it really make that big of a difference? If this is how your treat your loyal fans and TOURNAMENT VICTORS I'll stop participating. There are plenty of other games that I could spend my time with. I'm past level 3,000 and have tolerated a loss of over 100 UFO Boosters. But this is where I draw the line.
Isn't that what I'm doing?!
Psh, I hear ya. I stayed up until 3am ensuring I placed first in the Lunar New Years tournament and didn't even get my prize! Might not be a big deal if I hadn't had to go to class in the morning! >:(
I feel your pain. Not being able to spend my thousands of gold bars is going to cost me the Candy Cup. Shame too, I was doing good.