How can there be more than a thousand gold coins with 173 winning numbers? You must have spent gold. So you just bought a booster? My sister is around level 5,000 in the game and has over 6,000 gold?
First of all, congratulations on your advanced level and I hope I can see it one day. I checked the problem now and it is fixed and the milestone event is back. However, if this is a system error, it must be compensated. Because I passed about 250 or 300 levels, there was no milestone event.
Yes this
30 minutes Lollipop booster that we receive after we finish few episodes, that is marked a special gold star?
I'm very close to deleting it too. Moreover, I am at level 11179. I don't remember how many years I played. Trap for advanced players. When my brother installed the game, I was almost 10,000. He is now at five thousand and I am at 11,000
I participated in many of the king community's races, but the results were disappointing. yet it continues.
find a solution
It's sad not being able to see the future. Congratulations to those who have already made 12,000
I agree. He said level 21 is late today and I passed level 20 using all my gold and lives. However, even though there were breakers and other helpful things at the last level, I could not pass the last level and at the end of the day I have 0 gold and health. All the things I won in the weekly race were trash, including my…
After a long time, it's time to delete it. I guess I'm lucky to see the 11,000 level.