Welcome@LASHANINDA 🤪🤩🤗 (sorry I couldn’t find a party emoji lol)
Goodnight to u to ✌️
also a very random question how many levles r there????
im the lone bee here im only on levle 206 or somthing but i'd like to give a shoutout to my nan who has reached just over 1,000
maze and find the difference plz
i only play candy crush saga and pet rescue and my fav out of those is candy crush saga! #the crush is real
well since that levle is quite high its probably just realy hard😕 but i dont know
it looks to me like theres a bit of lag im sure it was just lagging
hope that helps
ok im only a child but sometimes when u play hard levles and u loose or if a bomb explodes then u loose a life