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xmikeex Newbie

Not to helpful or understanding xmikeex → Sukanta_Biswas I just saw your reply then closure of a discussion where the Spanish lady obviously misguided unsure and out her comfort zone You said in the reply that you had posted a reply to her in need of help post and you closed the discussion It's may be one thing knowing this site inside out and being of a an expertise on the matter but it's a completely different skill set dealing with people and picking up on subtle signs of anxiety stress and confusion Did u consider the first batch or assistance you gave the lady may have sounded sain and straight forward to you as you familiar within the games and community's links and gameplay but to a newbie like myself even the basic info and directions can be overwhelming and until familiarised somewhat stressful There is nothing to be gained ( her part )by the lady requesting assistance again and if u had already tried you could have left it to another person to help instead of instantly closing the discussion Surely it would have been a lot more friendly and professional to ask why the information you had provided already hadn't worked or there was a certain aspect that she wasn't quite understanding Not to have a diss at you but empathy and want of understanding would be a good skillset for you to adopt Text doesn't show emotion or feelings so you have to look within ( inside the box 😆 ) if u will , there are noticeable and subtle ways of doing so 1 . The way they have worded the post , was it the same post as previous post or was it typed slightly differently as to refine the answer they seek 2. The spelling and grammar is another dead giveaway , under stress people tend to misspell easy words and the spaces (layout) of their message won't be uniform or not there at all showing the urgency of their need of help and a clear sign they are stressed If u are one of the superstar helpers you should help then help again as this is the whole purpose of your position an undertaking thus so you enter into a mutual contract of doing so , If yr only a one time reply guy consider stepping down from yr obligationsAgain not dissing you just thought a would "help you" 😆😆 Mikee


  • @spinnifix omg are you the don of the site all these different links to different conversations or to make suggestions to a post you put out is exactly the problem when all it requires is a simple reply to your post which you the postee should have all the governance over if the post gets to much close it , if u are…
  • @LizzyLemondrop I can imagine that would be very grating and irritating , simple things can make such a difference , I couldn't find where to leave a pos about or how to navigate straight to the required catagories due to the duplicate or similar heading af the topics within the catagories I thought I was comin on here to…
  • There's nothing wrong with the site other than the navigation of it for a newbie its quite a lot to take in which results in you coming to the community to seek help and guidance only to find out that you may require help and guidance to get to the help and guidance that you had originally sought Then there's the first…

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