Gold Bar
I find that for over several months of playing I can not get any more gold bars have had only 2 for months. How do I get more with playing?
daily gifts
Thank you for bringing back the daily gifts after 2 weeks absense.
Farm Heroes saga Points
What happen to our daily points have been gone for a few weeks?????
Why is it that if you miss 1 day signing in you have to start all over at day 1. doesn't make sense.
Candy Crush Saga
Why is the game not allowing me to keep playing after 10 minutes still not loading
Choclate Mountain
Why is this not coming up anymore did you remove it? Bring it back makes more sense to keep it in for playing.
Choclate Mountain
Why is this not coming up anymore did you remove it?
Not working
Not working can't get into app been this way for a week
Diamond Diaries Saga
Why will this not load?