Level 3
Impossible, not enough boosters and goldbars. No possibillitys to earn boosters.
Please make this level easyer. Not enough boosters and goldbars! I have tryed it more than hundred times.
Impossible level. Not enough boosters and goldbars.
Impossible! Not enough moves, boosters and goldbars. To less possibillitys to earn boosters.
Earlyer I asked for some help . This level is impossible with 22 moves, not enough boosters of goldbars. Not enough possibillitys to get some boosters or the video for extra moves and an ufo by starting the game comes 3x a day. That is not enough. Can someone makes this level easyer?
Impossible! I have played it many times. Not enough boosters, moves and goldbars!
This level is impossible. To less moves and boosters. Not enough goldbars.
Impossible. Not enough moves and boosters and not enough goldbars.
Impossible level. Not enough moves and boosters, no goldbars. Please fix it. I played it more than hundred times. Don't send me video's., it doesn't work.
This level is impossible without goldbars. Not enough boosters. Can it makes easyer please?
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