What does the tick booster do?
The circle with the tick in it. What does it do?
Paint Brush
I have received a Paint Brush and the info says "Paint stripes on any candy and choose the direction of the blast" Exactly how do I use it?
Identifying F5 Team Members.
My F5 Team called RED FOG crypto. I am still trying to to identify 2 members called Marcus Vai Meng and Jackolyte. I need to add them them to our Private Conversation.
Track down F5 Team Member
I am trying to find my fellow F5 Team Members. Team Name - RED FOG crypto Members I am trying to find - Marcus Vai Meng, Jackolyte and Ramos.
Fast Race Gold Bars.
Not real happy that the Gold Bars for winning Races has decreased. The race I am in at the moment gives you 10 for winning, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd. I assume no gold bars for coming 4th or 5th. That really sucks.
Episode Race New Format
Has anyone else out there been relegated to the new Fast Race format of only giving Gold Bars to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places? Not everyone is in this new Race Format. Some players are still receiving Gold Bars for 1st through to 5th. My race format was changed halfway through the race. I have complained to King and would like…