Private F5 Team
@insouciance @bfree @creswell @babsblake I am having trouble setting up a Private Message link to you all. Maybe one of you can can set it up and link us all in, including @LyndallD
Updated Terms & Conditions.
When I clicked on Accept I lost everything. No gold bars, no boosters, no F5 Team, no Fast Race even though I am still playing Level 1395. They have put me back to a Newbie at level 1 with a new picture. Not happy at all.
Missing in Action
@Stretch21 You seem to be missing from our F5 Team. Are you OK? Will you be returning?
CCS Level 1282
23 moves to clear 54 jelly, some of which is hiding under candy and covered colour bombs. Need some tips on how to progress. Need lots of luck with board set-up that I am just not getting.
Level 1282 CCS
OMG - Level 1282 is impossible. I have 23 moves to get rid of 54 jellies. Some are hiding under strike 3 candy and some under covered colour bombs. I need a lot of luck to get through this level and think I may be here for a long time.
@Gr8erN8er @creswell @bfree @babsblake Team "need4more" welcomes Nathan to our Team and can now be added to our Private Messages.
F5 Team Member
A new member has joined my team and I am trying to find out who Gr8erN8er is? How do I find their @ identity?
Level 1224
How come 3 weeks ago you got 26 moves to remove 26 jelly, but now I need 26 moves to remove 42 jelly?
@Stretch21 @babsblake @creswell @bfree Stuck on Level 1138. I know what I have to do but keep running out of moves. Will get there eventually.