Premium season pass issue
There is some sort of a bug or glitch I'm not sure, or maybe it's intended to be this way by the devs: which is after clearing all main levels (1025), the premium season pass disappears and no longer showing in the main screen, how can we collect the rewards this way ??
Pre registration rewards
Hello everyone, I sadly missed pre registering to this game and I was wondering if there is anyway to get the pre registration rewards, especially the card cover skin which is the one I want to have , and thanks everyone for the help
Piggy Bank Suggestion
Hi everyone, Just a small suggestion as this is getting irritating: can you make an option to stop the piggy bank from popping up after every single level finished, since it really is bothering sometimes. And especially for those who already passed level 1000 as there is no way to get rid of it, it simply is annoying. And…