Daily treat machine issue.
The last time i logged on for treat machine, was wednesday october 27. Ever since now i havent logged on. Now when i go on it says im on day 17??? Before you say computer and mobile dont sync then the mobile device (the one i am playing on) should be at day 0 as i have logged on the computer with daily treat machine over…
My chocolate box has disappeared again!
A few weeks ago i lost the chocolate box. Then it came back with the deluxe rewards. Now it has disappeared again! Why is this? Are you guys fixing the "server not connecting" problem? I hope so My extra lives and master trophy disappeared too!
Where are all my events?
Nothing special here but I'm sure someone has double the amount of events that I have.
Well king is nice to me for once.
Just a regular day claiming my gold chocolate box after so much work. And.... instead of getting 10 gold i got...... 100! Good luck to everyone.
Treat machine jackpot
After 6 months I finally got the jackpot! King really loves coconut wheels... they included 6 in the machine And king here's a simple recipe for coconut wheels if you really like them.... Make pink fondant and shape it into a donut with a little hole in the middle. Add liquid liquorice in the hole and let it dry. Now…
Fish glitch?
The pictures below are showing how the fish ignore bringing down the ingredients, is it a glitch? The fish are not from the jelly fish booster, they're from in game I did make that match at the end that winned the level for me, but if that wasn't the case then I would have lost because there was one candy blocking the…
Add lollipop hammer to the treat machine.
After almost 6 months after the treat calendar got released, can you believe that not a single lollipop hammer was included in the treats? I think it should be implemented since there everywhere! There's at least one way to win them. Why not add it to the treat machine? Vote now! @Diamond Lim please tag players 😁
Super hard level??
Level 350 is listed as a super hard level. Why is that? The level is very easy as I have never failed the level. Have the design team made an error?
Gold bar challenge! See if you can beat me.
Hello dear crushers 😁. As we all know, there is an awesome element in candy crush called Gold bars! As you probably also know, it is very useful. Buying boosters, lives or when you need one last move to finish the level. Gold bars are there for you! My challenge is to see if you can beat me on how much gold you have! As…