Level 2
Another complete BS level that's impossible to do without buying more moves, 20 moves to complete such a hard level is impossible been stuck for days now and I suspect it won't let me pass until I spend some money.
Been playing Candy Crush Saga since day one, like many people on here started playing through Facebook on the laptop or PC. Since changing the screen formatte and with no intentions of King changing it back new features that seem to be a pain rather than enjoyment, and levels that are so stupid you can see they are just…
Level 10854 absolutely impossible with the given amount of moves. Another level that King want you to pay for power up to go on. Candy Crush is getting boring and predictable.
Another BS lever absolutely no skill or even luck involved, just when King decide to let you go forward or spend a fortune on upgrades, how on earth are we meant to collect liquorice if it don't fall!! King getting greedy.
Stuck on level 9133, even with wasting most of my boosters this level is impossible, you are the mercy of the computer no skill whatsoever, I think this is another level that wants you to buy as many boosters as possible, and could end up wasting a lot of money, if this is the future of levels to come it's time to say…
Please can you make it possible to block certain players without unfriending them on Facebook, I am getting fed up of individuals asking for lives multiple times a day.
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